
Helper functions for adding and removing listeners to Node and NodeList objects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Helper functions for adding and removing listeners to Node and NodeList objects. Adds on, off and once methods to the Node, NodeList and window prototypes.


$ npm install --save addlistener.js


import 'addlistener.js';

// Adding a click listener to element myFoobar
let myElement = document.getElementById('#foobar');
const removeClickListener = myElement.on('click', (event) => { ... });

// The addListener returns a functions which remove the listener when invoked:

// Futhermore, you can use the on, off and once on element(s):
let myElements = document.querySelectorAll('.foobar');
myElements.once('click' (event) => { ... });

// And on the window object
window.on('resize', (event) => { ... });