User Registration
Opened this issue · 0 comments
Msfairy commented
User Story
As a user, I want to register to the Reply FitnessTrackerChallenge Website to create my own account.
Acceptance Criteria
- The user registers with its email address and a username
- The username field must be filled in
- The username must be unique
- If the username is not unique, the account cannot be created and the user is informed directly by a notification that the username already exists
- The email address must be in the correct format
- The email address must be unique
- If the email address is not unique, the account cannot be created and the user is informed directly by a notification that the email address already exists
- The website backend creates the account with an ID
- The ID must be unique
- A verification token is created
- The verification token and its value are sent to the user via email