
Re-arrange notes in notes list is not working

s-fedosov opened this issue · 2 comments

In my group of notes i cannot re-arrange notes.

How to reproduce:

  1. Open p3x-onenote, login into your account
  2. Open your notes
  3. Create random section
  4. In this section create some amount notes (for example 5), fill each one with some sample text
  5. Try to move any note above or below other by pressing left mouse button, plack-up item (note in this case) and moving it above and below other note and releasing left mouse button in-place.

Expected result:
Note moves in position above other note if plackedUp-and-dropped above another note. Or Note moves in position below other note if plackedUp-and-dropped below another note.

Actual result:
Note being being moved and nothing happens, it actually stays in position where it was before in list.

As a side note - in google chrome it works perfectly and i gain expected result.

OS and Software versions:
Slackware64-15 Linux
Google Chrome Version: 111.0.5563.64 (Official Build) (64-bit)
p3x-onenote: p3x-onenote-2023.4.117.x86_64.rpm

sorry, this is controlled by chrome in electron. i did not code about drag and drop.

Okay, i re-phrase issue to "not to confuse by phrase drag-and-drop".

I see here happened misunderstanding what actually happens.
And i'd like to specifically note that this action perfectly works in Google Chrome that is not being specifically tailored to work with OneNote.

I also open onenote in min browser and Notes re-arrange works there perfectly.
N.B. Min browser uses electron, not (full fledged) chromium underneath as its engine.

Even more - i picked up plain naked electron from here v23.1.4 and test onenote web-version there and re-arranging of notes works perfectly.

Soooo.... it looks like there is some issue in p3x-onenote.