
Login to my company's SAML federated user account fails.

thedarb opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey there.

When trying to login, I specify my type login, where would normally (in a browser) get redirected to my company's SAML auth page to login, then get re-directed back to one note. This isn't working with P3X, sadly.

In P3X, when I enter my login at the microsoft page, the redirect to my company never happens. Status and the bottom looks like it tried to get there, but then it never finishes? Stays on a blank screen, save for top menu, and status at the bottom.

I suspect it's either not liking the response it's getting (that was one error) and/or it has to do with not wanting to accept the 3rd party's cookies necessary for the auth process.

I'm attaching my debug level 1 output, in hopes it can help. Sanitized my login and employer name for harmless ones.

Thank you,
Lord Darb

Oh, here's the status line once it's stuck if I do MS login prompt:

If I exit and restart, the status line is the same as the URL on line 435 of the attached debug output.

it is an old issue, just recreated. if i get an account, i can surely i can fix it. but i dont have it, not possible.