
i can't select db

yangzhu6263736 opened this issue · 24 comments

The data on the left side didn't change when I chose DB.

It is deployed on Kubernetes

i do not see your config, but i think aws/cloud memory store and azure is not allowed to switch database, please dump your config, it is not a redis it is some layer.

please use english i do not read chinese. (gui)

i cannot follow changes in the redis based storages (aws, azure, google). even the cluster was implemented by a guy.
i can take responsibility for the real redis app. please if something changed you could fix it, i am not responsible you know...

I'm using Google's Redis. It may be too restrictive. I will try to solve it myself. Thank you for your work.

@yangzhu6263736 I'am using ui with non-vendored standalone redis.
Changing database is working well.
My version is 2020.10.350 and schema is changing when i select this dropdown

The data on the left side didn't change when I chose DB.

you can open the console (top menu) and write select <db-index> to switch to another db.

weird, for me it works here:

try switching db... works.

weird, for me it works here:

try switching db... works.

switching db only changes the statistics below, not the keys explorer.


come on, that is the statistics from the server, to switch db, it is the DB select, or the console....

weird, for me it works here:
try switching db... works.

switching db only changes the statistics below, not the keys explorer.


#44 (comment) - it shows where you switch db...

You're right, I was blind, my bad.
But look at my version, there is no switch:

i do not follow the azure/google/amazon redis versions and how they restricted. i tried, it works, now it changed it looks. i can take responsibility for the real redis. it looks like you are on azura, try if you can switch in the console... select X ...

but so far i know that azure/google/amazon only allows 1 database. or it probably changed...

try if you ca switch in the console... select X ...

that's what I did and it worked :)

i enable the databases selector, maybe it works.

can you tell me if in console get databases works? i can enable.

anyone who know, tell me if this current version if allows azure/google/amazon redis the get databases works. if it works, for the one it works i can enable and you will get a database selector, like the real redis.

My Azure-Redis doesn't know get databases but regarding to I can list them with info keyspace.

> info keyspace
# Keyspace

The desktop tool "Redis Desktop Manager" checks for all available redis databases via iterating them until an error.

Startup log

2020-10-06 13:27:21 : App log init: OK
2020-10-06 13:27:30 : Connection: AUTH
2020-10-06 13:27:30 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > connected
2020-10-06 13:27:30 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > [runCommand] AUTH n1Nuh4uLUB6icr1sqQbei0BRdpbVlmt+7Svosb+/CEA=
2020-10-06 13:27:30 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > Response received : +OK

2020-10-06 13:27:30 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > [runCommand] PING
2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > Response received : +PONG

2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > [runCommand] INFO ALL
2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > Response received : Bulk
2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: AUTH OK
2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > [runCommand] select 9
2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > Response received : +OK

2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > [runCommand] select 10
2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > Response received : +OK

2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > [runCommand] select 11
2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > Response received : +OK

2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > [runCommand] select 12
2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > Response received : +OK

2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > [runCommand] select 13
2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > Response received : +OK

2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > [runCommand] select 14
2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > Response received : +OK

2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > [runCommand] select 15
2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > Response received : +OK

2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > [runCommand] select 16
2020-10-06 13:27:31 : Connection: Scan2Lead Azure > Response received : -ERR DB index is out of range

ok, i implemented it with probing on azure/google/amazon, so the db selector will always be enabled.

please anyone, can you verify if this solution works.

please anyone, can you verify if this solution works.

The db-dropdown is now displayed with 15 databases (0-14) but by azure redis has 16 dbs (0-15).
It's possible to run select 15 with an OK result.
Maybe there is somewhere an index-off problem?

Thank you anyway for the fast feature implementation!

please anyone, can you verify if this solution works.

The db-dropdown is now displayed with 15 databases (0-14) but by azure redis has 16 dbs (0-15).
It's possible to run select 15 with an OK result.
Maybe there is somewhere an index-off problem?

Thank you anyway for the fast feature implementation!

it was a loop index bug