
Add multiple tree separator characters

Closed this issue · 14 comments

In my case some keys using | character separator, but some . or :

I want to add all of them as a tree separator list or specify each character per connection/db/regex key

it is overcomplex to write a parser for multiple divider, it is easier to switch with the tree divider. i can't help, sorry.

help is welcome!

here is the code:

it is fairly to do what you want to do, you are welcome to implement, i have no idea how to do multiple dividers...

me, i have different data in redis, and i simple click the gear on the tree top, select, replace with new divider and just press enter and you have a new structure tree...

I will try to use split by regex ia a days. In join statements i will take first divider character. I think that will work, but dont know i ls there any side effects

@sergeyshaykhullin how about this?
do you think i should enable or it is bad idea?


@p3x-robot I think that is makes sense.
This approach will be comfortable for me.

I have "a nice to have in a future" idea - add a list of tree separators with CRUD in settings, show them as a buttons like input above and change separator just by clicking

ok, i keep it then, once i have time it is possible i can re-write the tree parser, but it is a big refactor.


i added a select popup for common dividers scenarios.

Wow ❤️