
A way to change the API module would be great.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

  • I have read all open and closed Issues and confirm that this is not a duplicate.

In the settings menu, add a textbox were one can change the used modul (e.g. GPT-4, GPT3.5)

jwwpua commented

Please also allow selection of the model's token limit due to gpt4 having 8k and 32k limits depending.

Added. It will only work if you have access to the model you want to use of course.
I don't have GPT-4 access so let me know if it works or not! (Reopen if it doesn't)

jwwpua commented

Added. It will only work if you have access to the model you want to use of course. I don't have GPT-4 access so let me know if it works or not! (Reopen if it doesn't)

GPT-4 works! (8k version)
