This repository contain an automated procedure to jump-start installation and configuration of Mac OS. The procedure assume Ansible is going to be used to keep configuration in sync.
This procedure was tested on Mac OS Apple Silicon M2:
# sysctl machdep.cpu.brand_string
machdep.cpu.brand_string: Apple M2 Pro
Initial setup
Make sure you have installed
on your Mac. Detailed instructions to be found here 2. Install required tools viabrew install ansible direnv
Install ZSH framework (in case zsh shell is used):
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
Make sure your Git
are set.git config --global user.name FirstName LastName git config --global user.email email
On new computer you can also set this one up:
git config --global push.autoSetupRemote true git config --global branch.autoSetupRebase always
App Store
To install:
- Microsoft Teams
Custom software from web
Cheat sheet
Get a list of Ansible installed collections
ansible-galaxy collection list
To set a default driver with docker
minikube config set driver docker
To add a local Docker registry:
minikube addons enable registry
Restart Docker:
sudo killall Docker && open /Applications/Docker.app
- Minikube documentation
Known issues
- Ansible requirements.txt needed with list of collections in order to work properly with Ansible linter running on Github Actions runner, see ansible-lint-action Issue-99
Resources, links
Dev Tools
- 5 Ways to Manage Environment Variables with direnv
- Custom status badges
Kubernetes and K8S tools
- Getting started with Flux v2
- SonarCloud docs
Terraform and tools
- tfswitch command line tool lets you switch between different versions of terraform