
getting this error now Building wheel for zeroconf (pyproject.toml)

Les982 opened this issue · 3 comments

Gets stuck on this one, not sure what the issue is or how to resolve it. I have installed octoprint on these Orange pi Zero 2 before no issues now this basically stops on this.

disregard after literally 45 min it completed and we are all good.

What timing. I just ran into this while going through the initial setup on a BigTreeTech Pi 2 (RK3566) and was about to power cycle everything & start over with a fresh OS/eMMC image since it appeared stuck 😄

I let it go for 5-10 minutes and it eventually continued on through the rest of the install/prompts.

I encountered the same issue with my Orangepi zero 256M motherboard. In addition to using the octoprint_deploy installation method, I also tried the traditional installation approach, but it would get stuck at this point. After multiple failed attempts, I switched to an Orangepi zero 512M and successfully completed the installation.