
Hi Chilly! HNY. We missed you... were are u?

Opened this issue Β· 8 comments

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Hi Tina, I hope you are well. Happy new year. Yes I finally am free to do the heck i want, away from Sololearn. I sure had great times there but the community (and the app itself) is at its lowest point at the moment and i dont feel like rushing to go back anytime soon. My account is dead too, like permanently dead.

πŸ˜₯😒 first bad news of 23... but... I totally understand you. we all will leave anyway... it's just a pity for others (I also know udgaf) . anyways wish you happiness, learned many things from you. should've had steal all your public codes.πŸ₯² πŸ₯²
ping me if you joined a better one.
be well 🌢🌷

Hi! what happened again? 🀨 don't give up! are you in or not yet? if you are plz dm me, or if you like write here or send a mail to mmcwmpD0Tse via geee mail (in a way I can confirm!)

Hi. seems you're out again! missing you. did you have to start and finish all the courses in a day? πŸ₯²πŸ˜‚

cv2k10 commented

Hi Paul, I hope you are well, finally I found you here, checking your code now...

from Calvin

Hi Paul, I hope you are well, finally I found you here, checking your code now...

from Calvin

hi calvin. sorry been away for a while but am glad to hear from you.

Hi Tina and Calvin, let me know if you both are still alive and well. We shall create new community website for coders, let me know if you are interested.

Hi. seems you're out again! missing you. did you have to start and finish all the courses in a day? πŸ₯²πŸ˜‚

Let me know if you would be interested in participating in new community for coders.