'In a' is not an instance of QueryParams
Opened this issue · 2 comments
jartur commented
No instance for (Database.MySQL.Simple.QueryParams.QueryParams
(In [Int]))
arising from a use of `query'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(Database.MySQL.Simple.QueryParams.QueryParams (In [Int]))
In a stmt of a 'do' expression:
strs <- query
conn "SELECT us_nick FROM players WHERE us_person_id IN ?" (In ids)
It's actually easy to work around using 'Only $ In ...' but since it is not in docs I think it's a bug.
bnoordhuis commented
Gentle bump. Would it be possible to upload a new version? The latest docs on hackage still have the bad example. The corrected documentation would have saved me 10 minutes, no doubt it will help others too.
johannesgerer commented
Gentle Bump!