
Info on the js side

the-xperimentalist opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, going through the article, you have not provided any info wrt the js side of the code. Can you pls do so?

@thelzycoder could you be more specific wrt to what you're missing?

I explain Alice's js code here and Bob's js code here

So, initially the article points to the repo escrow-ui with the related UI changes on how the escrow works. While, later the example which is being pointed out here is referring to the code present inside the solana-escrow repo itself. Secondly, referring to the package.json, where we start the validator, running the validator locally asked for two values of bpf token, but only one is provided here. Not sure where I am making a mistake

@thelzycoder I'm not able to understand what your question is. All the client code looked at in the blog is taken from the escrow-ui repo, not from the solana-escrow repo.

When you say package.json, I assume you are talking about the one in the scripts folder? If you look into the start-validator command in the file, you'll see that the first value for the --bpf-program argument (the address) is already given so you only need to provide the executable location

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