[help needed] fun ideas of where to use placeholder content
Opened this issue · 2 comments
To some people the reasons behind using Dummy text and placeholder images can sometimes be a little on the boring side ..building websites.. bla.. bla..
Lets think up some fun situations and usages that someone can use placeholder content!
The goal is to add it to the home page at https://dummyjs.com/
Add your out-there idea to our list (FUN_USAGES.txt), along with your github handle which will also appear with a link on the home page.
Whats needed:
- One "placeholder usage situation" per line
- 3/4 words max
- Add your GitHub username prefixed with the @ symbol (optional)
- Add as many as you like!
[Usage] @[GitHub Name]
Add Yours simply by visiting:
Are the scenarios supposed to be the context in which someone could use the placeholder content? Or what do you mean?
I'm seeing this as a list of crazy, silly ways that someone could use dummy/placeholder text & images
Could be a fun addition to list one at random on the homepage http://www.dummyjs.com/