A set of nodes that trigger on rising or falling edges.


npm install node-red-contrib-edge-trigger


The nodes in this package compare the numeric value of the incoming message payload to the value of the previous message. If that value has crossed a specified threshold in a specified direction, the message is forwarded.


Falling edge

Given a threshold value, this node will forward its incoming message if the numeric value of its payload has dropped below the threshold. Example applications include turning on a heater when a temperature value drops.

Rising edge

Given a threshold value, this node will forward its incoming message if the numeric value of its payload has increased above the threshold. Example applications include turning on a cooler when a temperature value rises.


This node combines the functions of the falling- and rising-edge nodes. It has both rising and falling thresholds, and forwards the incoming message if its value crosses either threshold in the appropriate direction. The outgoing message has its edge property set to rising or falling.

This is useful in a situation where it would not be desirable to toggle an output repeatedly on and off if a value hovers around a single threshold. For example, a light that's activated by a luminosity sensor: it may be appropriate to turn the light on when the sensor indicates 30 lux, but not to turn it off again until the sensor indicates 40 lux.