
A Describe within a Context within a Describe thinks there's a non-existent test that fails to start

danger-ranger opened this issue · 5 comments

    Describe("Subscription Store", () -> {

      Context("with an empty subscriptionStore", () -> {
        Describe("creating a subscription", () -> {
          It("Should be happy and free", () -> assertThat("yes").isEqualTo("yes"));


screen shot 2016-10-21 at 2 53 56 pm

It seems that ginkgo4j doesn't understand that a Describe inside a Context is nested within that context. Which makes some sense, but since they're supposed to be functionally equivalent it's probably a bug.

Yup, I am sure this is the case. Just more wanting to get it out there. Leave it with me and I'll have a fix soonest.

Yeah, I'm loving using it. Thanks so much!

P.S. This is pretty easy to work around, so no biggie

OK. This was an issue with how I was building the JUnit description model for the test. Grab 1.0.5 (when it hits maven central in a couple of hours) and give it a go. Let me know if you have any issues.