
When doing multiple BeforeEach and at the end of the Describe section, subsequent BeforeEach is not recognized.

lwoydziak opened this issue · 2 comments

		Describe("multiple BeforeEach", ()->{
			AtomicReference<String> capture = new AtomicReference<>("");
			It("then sets 1st capture", () -> {
			  Assert.assertSame("1st", capture.get());
			Describe("second BeforeEach", ()->{
				It("then sets 2nd capture", () -> {
					Assert.assertSame("2nd", capture.get());
				BeforeEach(() -> {
			BeforeEach(() -> {

The above test recreates the error condition.

Thanks @lwoydziak , I'll take a look into these as soon as I can

Incidentally, a work around it to put them at the beginning of the Describe section.