
在example中提示removed 3176 files due to unique sizes,122files left,请问您默认删除了什么文件?

kriscog0114 opened this issue · 4 comments

看起来很危险,您的example中提示removed 3176 files due to unique sizes。请问这是根据什么规则删除了什么文件?我需要判断直接应用在生产环境是否危险,是否不经过我同意就删除了重要数据,麻烦回答一下。


实在担心请加-n true,另外请阅读源码以免再提出如此问题

English translation of the OP:

It looks dangerous, your example prompts removed 3176 files due to unique sizes. May I ask what file was deleted
according to what rule? I need to judge whether it is dangerous to directly apply it in the production environment, and
whether important data has been deleted without my consent, please answer.

This is a poor wording issue. No files were deleted: 3176 files were ignored because they had unique sizes and therefore could not be duplicates.