
How to accept terms (non-attribute field) in Fabrication?

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I want to fabricate my Staff model that has a virtual variable terms to ensure users to accept terms and conditions when they sign up. However, terms is not a column for Staff table. I know I can use if to make terms check a conditional validation. But it will give me Terms must be accepted error if I don't.

What should I do, in this case, to assign a value to a virtual variable such as terms to allow Fabricate(:staff) to pass the validate_acceptance_of test?

My Staff.rb looks like this:

class Staff < ActiveRecord::Base
  # Virtual Variable
  attr_accessor :terms
  validates_acceptance_of     :terms

I made a Staff fabrication like this:

Fabricator(:staff) do
  profile { }
  work_no { }
  position {}
  phone_no {}
  password {}
  before_validation {
    |staff, transients| 
    staff.terms = true 


When I call Fabricate(:staff) from rails console, it gives me this error:

ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Terms must be accepted

You should just need to add it to your fabricator definition.

Fabricator(:staff) do
  terms true