
Sound support on macOS

Opened this issue · 19 comments

Here is a first try:

curl -o run-mtgo
chmod +x run-mtgo
./run-mtgo --sound

Please copy full output here in case of trouble.

@poppa-f can you give a try?

Here are some additional commands to help debugging the issue:

  1. Verify that sounds is working outside Docker: in a Terminal
pacat /dev/urandom

should produce an annoying noise.
2. If it succeeds:

./run-mtgo --sound --shell
# in the new shell
pacat -v /dev/urandom
pacat -s  -v /dev/urandom # if no sounds

Do you have any output for the pacat commands within the docker?

Interesting - the pacat in the docker container seems rather happy.. but you don't hear anything, do you?
For the second case, that's an annoying bug with wine and gstreamer.. (the ALSA error message is not important) - you can try doing the following:

./run-mtgo --sound --shell
mtgo --sound

Is there a working sound fix?

I've just updated the related image. You can try with

./run-mtgo --sound --update

let me know how it works (with full console output).

Do input that into the terminal while the game is running? Or while it's closed? Thanks!

I restarted wine completely and input the command. Seems to be stuck in some kind of loop at not progressing.

./run-mtgo --sound --update
docker pull panard/mtgo:sound
sound: Pulling from panard/mtgo
f01e2fc672b9: Pull complete
bab3a02f459e: Pull complete
4738418b057b: Pull complete
b7bc147a2da7: Pull complete
899767c7c1c8: Pull complete
64bf39305dca: Pull complete
ce8db6e4c1ef: Pull complete
54fbfb6de6e1: Pull complete
f41929e58581: Pull complete
856a9ba0bc5e: Pull complete
fff08dce0cdf: Pull complete
e63bdc040325: Pull complete
27c56e08e078: Pull complete
b574e402eba7: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:b8a250276a969c8d18e60d7d1bb0539e1fda2bbf80585cf0cd6aaf8952426e72
Status: Downloaded newer image for panard/mtgo:sound
Using network interface 'en0'
open -a XQuartz
socat on forwarding to /private/tmp/
./run-mtgo: line 231: pulseaudio: command not found
PulseAudio does not seem to be installed.
brew install pulseaudio
Updating Homebrew...

Update-> Ok, it's progressed pass that point and now MTGO is installing.

==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 2 taps (homebrew/core and homebrew/cask).
==> New Formulae
anime-downloader cxxopts kim-api scala@2.12
antibody devspace libevhtp shadowenv
asyncplusplus dhall-bash libsixel swig@3
aws-google-auth gatsby-cli libspng tflint
bazelisk grpc-swift libvncserver whalebrew
benthos helmsman mariadb@10.3 yapf
borgmatic janet netlify-cli
contentful-cli k3d openkim-models
cpl k6 quickjs
==> Updated Formulae
gettext ✔ libnids
gnu-getopt ✔ libnotify
libidn2 ✔ libopenmpt
openssl ✔ libosinfo
abcm2ps libosip
abcmidi libpeas
ack libphonenumber
acpica libpq
agda libpqxx
aliyun-cli libpst
alot libqalculate
amazon-ecs-cli libquicktime
ammonite-repl libraw
amqp-cpp librdkafka
amtk libre
angle-grinder librealsense
angular-cli librem
anjuta librest
annie librsvg
ansible libsass
apache-arrow libsbol
apache-arrow-glib libsecret
apache-flink libshout
app-engine-python libsigc++
apt-dater libsmf
aptly libsoup
aqbanking libspectre
arangodb libspectrum
argon2 libssh2
armadillo libstatgrab
armor libsvm
artifactory libtensorflow
asciidoctor libtrace
asciidoctorj libuninameslist
asdf libuv
ask-cli libvirt
astrometry-net libvirt-glib
atk libvpx
atkmm libxkbcommon
atlantis libxlsxwriter
atomist-cli libxml++
ats2-postiats libxml++3
audacious libxmlsec1
auditbeat libzdb
autorest link-grammar
avfs linkerd
awf liquibase
aws-okta lldpd
aws-sdk-cpp llvm@7
awscli lmdb
axel lmod
azure-cli lnav
babel log4cplus
babeld log4shib
babl logcheck
bacula-fd logstash
balena-cli logtalk
baobab lolcat
basex loudmouth
bazel luarocks
beanstalkd luvit
bettercap lxc
bgpstream lynis
binaryen mackup
bind macvim
bindfs magic-wormhole
bit mame
bitlbee mariadb
bitrise mariadb-connector-c
black mariadb@10.2
blink1 maxwell
bookloupe mbedtls
botan mcabber
braid mdbook
breezy mdbtools
bro mdk
btfs media-info
btparse mednafen
buildifier megatools
bundletool memcached
byacc menhir
byobu mercurial
bzip2 mesa
bzt meson
c-blosc mesos
cadaver metabase
caddy metricbeat
caf mg
cairo micronaut
cake midgard2
calcurse midnight-commander
calicoctl mighttpd2
cargo-completion mikutter
cash-cli mill
cataclysm minbif
catch2 minio
catimg minio-mc
cattle minizinc
ccache mkl-dnn
center-im mkvtoolnix
certbot mlkit
cf4ocl mockserver
cfengine modules
cfn-lint monero
cfr-decompiler mongoose
cfssl monit
cgit monkeysphere
chafa mono
chakra mono-libgdiplus
chamber mosquitto
checkstyle mp3splt
chicken mpdscribble
chipmunk mpg123
chrome-export mpop
chronograf msitools
cimg msmtp
circleci mu
citus mujs
cjdns mutt
ckan mypy
clhep mysql
click mysql++
clojure mysql@5.7
clozure-cl mysqltuner
clutter n
clutter-gst nano
clutter-gtk nats-server
cmake nave
cockroach ncdc
cocoapods ncmpc
cogl nco
cointop ncview
collectd neo4j
commandbox neomutt
composer neovim
conan netdata
consul nethack
convox newman
corectl newsboat
cpansearch newt
cppcheck nghttp2
cpprestsdk nginx
cql nickle
cracklib nim
credstash node
creduce nomad
cromwell nordugrid-arc
crosstool-ng noti
csound notmuch
csvq nsd
curl nss
curl-openssl ntfs-3g
curlftpfs nyx
cutter ocaml-num
cython ocrad
dartsim ocrmypdf
datetime-fortran ode
dbhash odpi
dbus offlineimap
dbus-glib omega
dc3dd omniorb
dcd onscripter
deark opa
debianutils opam
dehydrated open-jtalk
deno open-mesh
dep open-zwave
dependency-check openapi-generator
desktop-file-utils openconnect
dfc openfortivpn
dhall-json openh264
di openhmd
dialog openldap
diamond openrct2
diff-pdf opensaml
diff-so-fancy openshift-cli
diffoscope openslide
digdag opensubdiv
direvent openttd
dita-ot operator-sdk
django-completion orbit
dmd orc
dnsperf orc-tools
dnstwist osc
docfx oscats
docker osm-gps-map
docker-completion osquery
docker-compose overmind
docker-compose-completion oxipng
docker-credential-helper paket
docker-credential-helper-ecr pandoc
doctl pango
docutils pangomm
doitlive paps
dopewars parallel
dosbox passenger
dovecot pazpar2
dpkg pcb
drone-cli pcb2gcode
dscanner pcsc-lite
dspdfviewer pdf2htmlex
dub pdf2svg
duc pdfcrack
duck pdfpc
dwdiff pdftoipe
dynamips pdns
dynare pdnsrec
e2fsprogs peg-markdown
easy-tag perltidy
ecasound petsc
eccodes petsc-complex
efl pgbadger
eiffelstudio pgbouncer
ejabberd php
elasticsearch php@7.1
elixir php@7.2
emscripten phpmd
encfs phpunit
enchant picard-tools
enigma pidgin
enscript pinboard-notes-backup
entr pinfo
envconsul pioneer
eprover pioneers
epubcheck pius
erlang pjproject
erlang@20 planck
erlang@21 plantuml
eslint platformio
esptool platypus
ethereum plplot
ettercap pmd
exa pms
exercism png++
exiftool pngquant
exim poco
exiv2 podofo
expat pony-stable
exploitdb ponyc
f3 poppler
faas-cli postgresql
fasttext postgresql@10
faudio postgresql@9.4
fceux postgresql@9.5
feh postgresql@9.6
ffmpeg postgrest
ffmpeg@2.8 pqiv
ffsend prefixsuffix
fio presto
firebase-cli prips
flake8 procs
flashrom profanity
flawfinder proftpd
flex proguard
flow proj
fluid-synth prometheus
fluxctl proteinortho
fn protobuf-c
folly protoc-gen-go
fontforge prototool
fonttools pspg
fossil pulumi
fourstore pushpin
freeciv putty
freediameter py2cairo
freedink pybind11
freetds pyenv
freetype pygobject3
frpc pygtk
frps pygtkglext
frugal pygtksourceview
fs-uae pyinstaller
fselect pypy3
fuse-emulator pyside
futhark python
gabedit python-markdown
gammaray pyvim
gammu qalculate-gtk
gauche qemu
gawk qmmp
gbdfed qt
gcab r
gcsfuse rabbitmq
gdal radare2
gdcm rbspy
gdk-pixbuf rclone
gdl rdesktop
gdmap rdup
gearsystem re-flex
gegl re2
genometools reattach-to-user-namespace
geoserver recode
gerbv recon-ng
get_iplayer redex
ghex redo
ghostscript redshift
ghr remarshal
gibo repo
ginac reposurgeon
git rex
git-absorb riemann
git-cinnabar rke
git-cola rmlint
git-flow-avh robot-framework
git-fresh rocksdb
git-lfs root
git-recent roswell
gitg rpm
gitlab-runner rpm2cpio
gitmoji rrdtool
gjs rsyslog
gkrellm rtags
glade rtv
glances ruby-build
glib rush
glib-networking rust
glibmm s3-backer
glide s3ql
glooctl s6
glyr sassc
gmic sbcl
gmime scala
gmsh scalariform
gnome-autoar scamper
gnome-builder sccache
gnome-latex scdoc
gnome-recipes sceptre
gnome-themes-standard schismtracker
gnu-apl scons
gnu-indent scrcpy
gnu-typist scrollkeeper
gnumeric sd
gnunet sdcv
gnupg sdl2_image
gnuplot sdlpop
gnuradio ser2net
go serverless
go@1.11 sf-pwgen
goaccess sflowtool
gobby shared-mime-info
gobject-introspection shc
gobuster shibboleth-sp
godep ship
goffice silk
golang-migrate simple-tiles
gom sip
goocanvas sipp
gopass siril
goreleaser sispmctl
gpa sk
gpac skaffold
gpgme skinny
gphoto2 skktools
gpredict skopeo
gpsim sleepwatcher
gqview sn0int
gr-osmosdr snakemake
gradio snownews
gradle sofia-sip
grafana solarus
grails solr
grakn sonar-scanner
graph-tool sonarqube
graphicsmagick sonobuoy
graphviz sops
gromacs sourcekitten
groonga sphinx-doc
grpc spice-protocol
grpcurl spin
grsync spirv-cross
gsmartcontrol sqldiff
gsoap sqlite
gspell sqlite-analyzer
gst-editing-services sqlmap
gst-libav squid
gst-plugins-bad sshfs
gst-plugins-base sshguard
gst-plugins-good stanford-parser
gst-plugins-ugly stella
gst-python stellar-core
gst-rtsp-server stern
gst-validate streamripper
gstreamer stress-ng
gstreamermm stunnel
gtk+ stuntman
gtk+3 subnetcalc
gtk-chtheme subversion
gtk-gnutella suil
gtk-mac-integration supervisor
gtk-vnc svgo
gtkdatabox swagger-codegen
gtkextra swagger-codegen@2
gtkglext swaks
gtkmm swi-prolog
gtkmm3 swift-protobuf
gtksourceview swiftformat
gtksourceview3 swiftlint
gtksourceview4 sylpheed
gtksourceviewmm syncthing
gtksourceviewmm3 synfig
gtkspell3 sysdig
gts tag
gucharmap tbb
guile teleconsole
gupnp-av telegraf
gupnp-tools teleport
gwenhywfar template-glib
gwyddion tepl
gxml termtosvg
h3 terraform
hadolint terraformer
hamlib terragrunt
haproxy terrahub
harfbuzz tesseract
haskell-stack tfenv
hcloud thors-serializer
helmfile tiger-vnc
herrie tile38
hfstospell tintin
hidapi tmpreaper
hlint tmux-xpanes
homeassistant-cli todoman
homebank tokei
hqx tomcat
httping tomcat-native
hub tomcat@8
hugo topgrade
hunspell tox
hwloc translate-shell
hydra translate-toolkit
hyperkit triton
hypre ttyd
i2p tvnamer
i2pd twine-pypi
i386-elf-gcc txr
i386-elf-gdb typescript
i386-elf-grub u-boot-tools
idris ucloud
igv udunits
imagemagick ufraw
imagemagick@6 uftp
imageoptim-cli uhd
influxdb unbound
internetarchive ungit
ios-webkit-debug-proxy unrtf
iperf3 unzip
ipython urh
irssi uriparser
iso-codes userspace-rcu
istioctl util-linux
isync utimer
jadx uwsgi
jboss-forge v8
jdupes vagrant-completion
jenkins vala
jenkins-lts valabind
jetty valgrind
jfrog-cli-go vamp-plugin-sdk
jhead vapoursynth
jhipster vapoursynth-imwri
jigdo vapoursynth-ocr
jinja2-cli vapoursynth-sub
jlog vault
jnettop vegeta
joplin verilator
jsdoc3 vert.x
json-fortran vfuse
json-glib vice
jsoncpp viewvc
juju vim
jvgrep vim@7.4
kallisto vips
kapacitor virgil
kibana vitetris
klavaro vmtouch
knot vnstat
kobalt volatility
kops vowpal-wabbit
kore vte
kotlin vte3
ktlint vttest
kube-aws vulkan-headers
kubeless vultr
kubeprod wandio
kubernetes-cli watson
kubernetes-helm wcslib
kubeseal wdfs
kustomize wdiff
kvazaar webdis
lablgtk webp
lammps webpack
landscaper websocat
languagetool webtorrent-cli
lasi wgetpaste
lasso whois
latexml widelands
lazygit wildfly-as
ldapvi winetricks
ldc wireguard-tools
lean-cli wireshark
lego wla-dx
lensfun wmctrl
lf wolfssl
lgogdownloader wtf
libbi wv
libbluray wxmac
libchamplain wxmaxima
libcouchbase x11vnc
libcroco x265
libdazzle x3270
libebml xa
libev xapian
libfabric xboard
libfixbuf xcodegen
libgda xmake
libgdata xml-tooling-c
libgee xonsh
libgit2 xorriso
libglade xsane
libglademm xsimd
libgnomecanvas yaf
libgnomecanvasmm yarn
libgphoto2 yash
libgsf yaz
libgtop ydcv
libgweather yelp-tools
libhdhomerun ykpers
libheif yle-dl
libhttpseverywhere you-get
libical youtube-dl
libidl zabbix
libinfinity zabbix-cli
libiptcdata zboy
libiscsi zelda-roth-se
libjson-rpc-cpp zenity
liblcf zeromq
liblqr zimg
liblunar znc
libmaa zola
libmatio zsdx
libmatroska zsh-autosuggestions
libmp3splt zshdb
libmpd zstd
libmpdclient zsxd
libmypaint zurl
==> Deleted Formulae
dsd libggz lysp smlnj varnish@4
guile@2.0 libguess scala@2.10 swig@3.04

==> Installing dependencies for pulseaudio: json-c, libogg, flac, libvorbis, libsndfile, libsoxr, libtool, openssl and speexdsp
==> Installing pulseaudio dependency: json-c
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring json-c-0.13.1.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/json-c/0.13.1: 28 files, 232.3KB
==> Installing pulseaudio dependency: libogg
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring libogg-1.3.3.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/libogg/1.3.3: 97 files, 459.9KB
==> Installing pulseaudio dependency: flac
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring flac-1.3.2_1.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/flac/1.3.2_1: 53 files, 1.8MB
==> Installing pulseaudio dependency: libvorbis
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring libvorbis-1.3.6.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/libvorbis/1.3.6: 157 files, 2.3MB
==> Installing pulseaudio dependency: libsndfile
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring libsndfile-1.0.28.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/libsndfile/1.0.28: 48 files, 1.8MB
==> Installing pulseaudio dependency: libsoxr
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring libsoxr-0.1.3.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/libsoxr/0.1.3: 28 files, 242.4KB
==> Installing pulseaudio dependency: libtool
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring libtool-2.4.6_1.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
In order to prevent conflicts with Apple's own libtool we have prepended a "g"
so, you have instead: glibtool and glibtoolize.
==> Summary
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/libtool/2.4.6_1: 71 files, 3.7MB
==> Installing pulseaudio dependency: openssl
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring openssl-1.0.2s.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
A CA file has been bootstrapped using certificates from the SystemRoots
keychain. To add additional certificates (e.g. the certificates added in
the System keychain), place .pem files in

and run

openssl is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because Apple has deprecated use of OpenSSL in favor of its own TLS and crypto libraries.

If you need to have openssl first in your PATH run:
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

For compilers to find openssl you may need to set:
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include"

==> Summary
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2s: 1,795 files, 12.0MB
==> Installing pulseaudio dependency: speexdsp
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring speexdsp-1.2rc3.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/speexdsp/1.2rc3: 19 files, 616.2KB
==> Installing pulseaudio
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring pulseaudio-12.2.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
zsh completions have been installed to:

To have launchd start pulseaudio now and restart at login:
brew services start pulseaudio
Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
==> Summary
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/pulseaudio/12.2: 166 files, 3.9MB
==> brew cleanup has not been run in 30 days, running now...
Removing: /Users/shawnanthony/Library/Caches/Homebrew/gettext-- (7.9MB)
Removing: /Users/shawnanthony/Library/Caches/Homebrew/gnu-getopt--2.33.2.mojave.bottle.tar.gz... (53.4KB)
Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2r... (1,795 files, 12.1MB)
Removing: /Users/shawnanthony/Library/Caches/Homebrew/openssl--1.0.2r.mojave.bottle.tar.gz... (3.7MB)
Removing: /Users/shawnanthony/Library/Logs/Homebrew/wget... (64B)
Removing: /Users/shawnanthony/Library/Logs/Homebrew/libidn2... (64B)
Removing: /Users/shawnanthony/Library/Logs/Homebrew/gnu-getopt... (64B)
Removing: /Users/shawnanthony/Library/Logs/Homebrew/libunistring... (64B)
Removing: /Users/shawnanthony/Library/Logs/Homebrew/readline... (64B)
Removing: /Users/shawnanthony/Library/Logs/Homebrew/cabextract... (64B)
Removing: /Users/shawnanthony/Library/Logs/Homebrew/gettext... (64B)
Removing: /Users/shawnanthony/Library/Logs/Homebrew/socat... (64B)
Removing: /Users/shawnanthony/Library/Logs/Homebrew/openssl... (64B)
Pruned 0 symbolic links and 2 directories from /usr/local
==> Caveats
==> libtool
In order to prevent conflicts with Apple's own libtool we have prepended a "g"
so, you have instead: glibtool and glibtoolize.
==> openssl
A CA file has been bootstrapped using certificates from the SystemRoots
keychain. To add additional certificates (e.g. the certificates added in
the System keychain), place .pem files in

and run

openssl is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because Apple has deprecated use of OpenSSL in favor of its own TLS and crypto libraries.

If you need to have openssl first in your PATH run:
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

For compilers to find openssl you may need to set:
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include"

==> pulseaudio
zsh completions have been installed to:

To have launchd start pulseaudio now and restart at login:
brew services start pulseaudio
Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
W: [] caps.c: Normally all extra capabilities would be dropped now, but that's impossible because PulseAudio was built without capabilities support.
PulseAudio: enabling esound-protocol-tcp module
load-module module-esound-protocol-tcp
PulseAudio: enabling native-protocol-tcp module
load-module module-native-protocol-tcp
W: [] caps.c: Normally all extra capabilities would be dropped now, but that's impossible because PulseAudio was built without capabilities support.
pulseaudio -D
W: [] caps.c: Normally all extra capabilities would be dropped now, but that's impossible because PulseAudio was built without capabilities support.
docker run --privileged --rm -e DISPLAY -v mtgo-data-shawnanthony:/home/wine/.wine/host/ -v mtgo-data-shawnanthony:/home/wine/.wine/drive_c/users/ -e WINE_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 -v /Users/shawnanthony/.config/pulse:/home/wine/.config/pulse -e PULSE_SERVER= --net=host --ipc=host -e TZ=/usr/share/zoneinfo/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles --name mtgo_running panard/mtgo:sound mtgo --sound
y4menc: y4menc: YUV4MPEG video encoder
ximagesrc: ximagesrc: Ximage video source
wavparse: wavparse: WAV audio demuxer
wavpack: wavpackdec: Wavpack audio decoder
wavpack: wavpackenc: Wavpack audio encoder
wavenc: wavenc: WAV audio muxer
vpx: vp8dec: On2 VP8 Decoder
vpx: vp8enc: On2 VP8 Encoder
vpx: vp9dec: On2 VP9 Decoder
vpx: vp9enc: On2 VP9 Encoder
vorbis: vorbisenc: Vorbis audio encoder
vorbis: vorbisdec: Vorbis audio decoder
vorbis: vorbisparse: VorbisParse
vorbis: vorbistag: VorbisTag
volume: volume: Volume
videotestsrc: videotestsrc: Video test source
videoscale: videoscale: Video scaler
videorate: videorate: Video rate adjuster
videomixer: videomixer: Video mixer 2
videofilter: gamma: Video gamma correction
videofilter: videobalance: Video balance
videofilter: videoflip: Video flipper
videofilter: videomedian: Median effect
videocrop: videocrop: Crop
videocrop: aspectratiocrop: aspectratiocrop
videoconvert: videoconvert: Colorspace converter
videobox: videobox: Video box filter
video4linux2: v4l2src: Video (video4linux2) Source
video4linux2: v4l2sink: Video (video4linux2) Sink
video4linux2: v4l2radio: Radio (video4linux2) Tuner
video4linux2: v4l2deviceprovider (GstDeviceProviderFactory)
udp: udpsink: UDP packet sender
udp: multiudpsink: UDP packet sender
udp: dynudpsink: UDP packet sender
udp: udpsrc: UDP packet receiver
typefindfunctions: video/x-ms-asf: asf, wm, wma, wmv
typefindfunctions: audio/x-musepack: mpc, mpp, mp+
typefindfunctions: audio/x-au: au, snd
typefindfunctions: video/x-msvideo: avi
typefindfunctions: audio/qcelp: qcp
typefindfunctions: video/x-cdxa: dat
typefindfunctions: video/x-vcd: dat
typefindfunctions: audio/x-imelody: imy, ime, imelody
typefindfunctions: audio/midi: mid, midi
typefindfunctions: audio/riff-midi: mid, midi
typefindfunctions: audio/mobile-xmf: mxmf
typefindfunctions: video/x-fli: flc, fli
typefindfunctions: application/x-id3v2: mp3, mp2, mp1, mpga, ogg, flac, tta
typefindfunctions: application/x-id3v1: mp3, mp2, mp1, mpga, ogg, flac, tta
typefindfunctions: application/x-apetag: mp3, ape, mpc, wv
typefindfunctions: audio/x-ttafile: tta
typefindfunctions: audio/x-mod: 669, amf, ams, dbm, digi, dmf, dsm, gdm, far, imf, it, j2b, mdl, med, mod, mt2, mtm, okt, psm, ptm, sam, s3m, stm, stx, ult, umx, xm
typefindfunctions: audio/mpeg: mp3, mp2, mp1, mpga
typefindfunctions: audio/x-ac3: ac3, eac3
typefindfunctions: audio/x-dts: dts
typefindfunctions: audio/x-gsm: gsm
typefindfunctions: video/mpeg-sys: mpe, mpeg, mpg
typefindfunctions: video/mpegts: ts, mts
typefindfunctions: application/ogg: ogg, oga, ogv, ogm, ogx, spx, anx, axa, axv
typefindfunctions: video/mpeg-elementary: mpv, mpeg, mpg
typefindfunctions: video/mpeg4: m4v
typefindfunctions: video/x-h263: h263, 263
typefindfunctions: video/x-h264: h264, x264, 264
typefindfunctions: video/x-h265: h265, x265, 265
typefindfunctions: video/x-nuv: nuv
typefindfunctions: audio/x-m4a: m4a
typefindfunctions: application/x-3gp: 3gp
typefindfunctions: video/quicktime: mov, mp4
typefindfunctions: image/x-quicktime: qif, qtif, qti
typefindfunctions: image/jp2: jp2
typefindfunctions: video/mj2: mj2
typefindfunctions: text/html: htm, html
typefindfunctions: application/vnd.rn-realmedia: ra, ram, rm, rmvb
typefindfunctions: application/x-pn-realaudio: ra, ram, rm, rmvb
typefindfunctions: application/x-shockwave-flash: swf, swfl
typefindfunctions: application/dash+xml: mpd, MPD
typefindfunctions: application/ no extensions
typefindfunctions: video/x-flv: flv
typefindfunctions: text/plain: txt
typefindfunctions: text/utf-16: txt
typefindfunctions: text/utf-32: txt
typefindfunctions: text/uri-list: ram
typefindfunctions: application/x-hls: m3u8
typefindfunctions: application/sdp: sdp
typefindfunctions: application/smil: smil
typefindfunctions: application/ttml+xml: ttml+xml
typefindfunctions: application/xml: xml
typefindfunctions: audio/x-wav: wav
typefindfunctions: audio/x-aiff: aiff, aif, aifc
typefindfunctions: audio/x-svx: iff, svx
typefindfunctions: audio/x-paris: paf
typefindfunctions: audio/x-nist: nist
typefindfunctions: audio/x-voc: voc
typefindfunctions: audio/x-sds: sds
typefindfunctions: audio/x-ircam: sf
typefindfunctions: audio/x-w64: w64
typefindfunctions: audio/x-rf64: rf64
typefindfunctions: audio/x-shorten: shn
typefindfunctions: application/x-ape: ape
typefindfunctions: image/jpeg: jpg, jpe, jpeg
typefindfunctions: image/gif: gif
typefindfunctions: image/png: png
typefindfunctions: image/bmp: bmp
typefindfunctions: image/tiff: tif, tiff
typefindfunctions: image/webp: webp
typefindfunctions: image/x-exr: exr
typefindfunctions: image/x-portable-pixmap: pnm, ppm, pgm, pbm
typefindfunctions: video/x-matroska: mkv, mka, mk3d, webm
typefindfunctions: application/mxf: mxf
typefindfunctions: video/x-mve: mve
typefindfunctions: video/x-dv: dv, dif
typefindfunctions: audio/x-amr-nb-sh: amr
typefindfunctions: audio/x-amr-wb-sh: amr
typefindfunctions: audio/iLBC-sh: ilbc
typefindfunctions: audio/x-sbc: sbc
typefindfunctions: audio/x-sid: sid
typefindfunctions: image/x-xcf: xcf
typefindfunctions: video/x-mng: mng
typefindfunctions: image/x-jng: jng
typefindfunctions: image/x-xpixmap: xpm
typefindfunctions: image/x-sun-raster: ras
typefindfunctions: application/x-bzip: bz2
typefindfunctions: application/x-gzip: gz
typefindfunctions: application/zip: zip
typefindfunctions: application/x-compress: Z
typefindfunctions: subtitle/x-kate: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-subtitle-vtt: vtt
typefindfunctions: audio/x-flac: flac
typefindfunctions: audio/x-vorbis: no extensions
typefindfunctions: video/x-theora: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-ogm-video: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-ogm-audio: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-ogm-text: no extensions
typefindfunctions: audio/x-speex: no extensions
typefindfunctions: audio/x-celt: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-ogg-skeleton: no extensions
typefindfunctions: text/x-cmml: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-executable: no extensions
typefindfunctions: audio/aac: aac, adts, adif, loas
typefindfunctions: audio/x-spc: spc
typefindfunctions: audio/x-wavpack: wv, wvp
typefindfunctions: audio/x-wavpack-correction: wvc
typefindfunctions: audio/x-caf: caf
typefindfunctions: application/postscript: ps
typefindfunctions: image/svg+xml: svg
typefindfunctions: application/x-rar: rar
typefindfunctions: application/x-tar: tar
typefindfunctions: application/x-ar: a
typefindfunctions: application/x-ms-dos-executable: dll, exe, ocx, sys, scr, msstyles, cpl
typefindfunctions: video/x-dirac: no extensions
typefindfunctions: multipart/x-mixed-replace: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-mmsh: no extensions
typefindfunctions: video/vivo: viv
typefindfunctions: audio/x-nsf: nsf
typefindfunctions: audio/x-gym: gym
typefindfunctions: audio/x-ay: ay
typefindfunctions: audio/x-gbs: gbs
typefindfunctions: audio/x-vgm: vgm
typefindfunctions: audio/x-sap: sap
typefindfunctions: video/x-ivf: ivf
typefindfunctions: audio/x-kss: kss
typefindfunctions: application/pdf: pdf
typefindfunctions: application/msword: doc
typefindfunctions: image/vnd.adobe.photoshop: psd
typefindfunctions: image/vnd.wap.wbmp: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-yuv4mpeg: no extensions
typefindfunctions: image/x-icon: no extensions
typefindfunctions: image/x-degas: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/octet-stream: no extensions
typefindfunctions: application/x-ssa: ssa, ass
typefindfunctions: video/x-pva: pva
typefindfunctions: audio/x-xi: xi
typefindfunctions: audio/audible: aa, aax
theora: theoradec: Theora video decoder
theora: theoraenc: Theora video encoder
theora: theoraparse: Theora video parser
tcp: socketsrc: socket source
tcp: tcpclientsink: TCP client sink
tcp: tcpclientsrc: TCP client source
tcp: tcpserversink: TCP server sink
tcp: tcpserversrc: TCP server source
tcp: multifdsink: Multi filedescriptor sink
tcp: multisocketsink: Multi socket sink
taglib: id3v2mux: TagLib-based ID3v2 Muxer
taglib: apev2mux: TagLib-based APEv2 Muxer
subparse: subparse_typefind: srt, sub, mpsub, mdvd, smi, txt, dks, vtt
subparse: subparse: Subtitle parser
subparse: ssaparse: SSA Subtitle Parser
speex: speexenc: Speex audio encoder
speex: speexdec: Speex audio decoder
spectrum: spectrum: Spectrum analyzer
soup: souphttpsrc: HTTP client source
soup: souphttpclientsink: HTTP client sink
smpte: smpte: SMPTE transitions
smpte: smptealpha: SMPTE transitions
shout2send: shout2send: Icecast network sink
shapewipe: shapewipe: Shape Wipe transition filter
rtsp: rtspsrc: RTSP packet receiver
rtsp: rtpdec: RTP Decoder
rtpmanager: rtpbin: RTP Bin
rtpmanager: rtpjitterbuffer: RTP packet jitter-buffer
rtpmanager: rtpptdemux: RTP Demux
rtpmanager: rtpsession: RTP Session
rtpmanager: rtprtxqueue: RTP Retransmission Queue
rtpmanager: rtprtxreceive: RTP Retransmission receiver
rtpmanager: rtprtxsend: RTP Retransmission Sender
rtpmanager: rtpssrcdemux: RTP SSRC Demux
rtpmanager: rtpmux: RTP muxer
rtpmanager: rtpdtmfmux: RTP muxer
rtp: rtpac3depay: RTP AC3 depayloader
rtp: rtpac3pay: RTP AC3 audio payloader
rtp: rtpbvdepay: RTP BroadcomVoice depayloader
rtp: rtpbvpay: RTP BV Payloader
rtp: rtpceltdepay: RTP CELT depayloader
rtp: rtpceltpay: RTP CELT payloader
rtp: rtpdvdepay: RTP DV Depayloader
rtp: rtpdvpay: RTP DV Payloader
rtp: rtpgstdepay: GStreamer depayloader
rtp: rtpgstpay: RTP GStreamer payloader
rtp: rtpilbcpay: RTP iLBC Payloader
rtp: rtpilbcdepay: RTP iLBC depayloader
rtp: rtpg722depay: RTP audio depayloader
rtp: rtpg722pay: RTP audio payloader
rtp: rtpg723depay: RTP G.723 depayloader
rtp: rtpg723pay: RTP G.723 payloader
rtp: rtpg726depay: RTP G.726 depayloader
rtp: rtpg726pay: RTP G.726 payloader
rtp: rtpg729depay: RTP G.729 depayloader
rtp: rtpg729pay: RTP G.729 payloader
rtp: rtpgsmdepay: RTP GSM depayloader
rtp: rtpgsmpay: RTP GSM payloader
rtp: rtpamrdepay: RTP AMR depayloader
rtp: rtpamrpay: RTP AMR payloader
rtp: rtppcmadepay: RTP PCMA depayloader
rtp: rtppcmudepay: RTP PCMU depayloader
rtp: rtppcmupay: RTP PCMU payloader
rtp: rtppcmapay: RTP PCMA payloader
rtp: rtpmpadepay: RTP MPEG audio depayloader
rtp: rtpmpapay: RTP MPEG audio payloader
rtp: rtpmparobustdepay: RTP MPEG audio depayloader
rtp: rtpmpvdepay: RTP MPEG video depayloader
rtp: rtpmpvpay: RTP MPEG2 ES video payloader
rtp: rtpopusdepay: RTP Opus packet depayloader
rtp: rtpopuspay: RTP Opus payloader
rtp: rtph261pay: RTP H261 packet payloader
rtp: rtph261depay: RTP H261 depayloader
rtp: rtph263ppay: RTP H263 payloader
rtp: rtph263pdepay: RTP H263 depayloader
rtp: rtph263depay: RTP H263 depayloader
rtp: rtph263pay: RTP H263 packet payloader
rtp: rtph264depay: RTP H264 depayloader
rtp: rtph264pay: RTP H264 payloader
rtp: rtph265depay: RTP H265 depayloader
rtp: rtph265pay: RTP H265 payloader
rtp: rtpj2kdepay: RTP JPEG 2000 depayloader
rtp: rtpj2kpay: RTP JPEG 2000 payloader
rtp: rtpjpegdepay: RTP JPEG depayloader
rtp: rtpjpegpay: RTP JPEG payloader
rtp: rtpklvdepay: RTP KLV Depayloader
rtp: rtpklvpay: RTP KLV Payloader
rtp: rtpL16pay: RTP audio payloader
rtp: rtpL16depay: RTP audio depayloader
rtp: rtpL24pay: RTP audio payloader
rtp: rtpL24depay: RTP audio depayloader
rtp: asteriskh263: RTP Asterisk H263 depayloader
rtp: rtpmp1sdepay: RTP MPEG1 System Stream depayloader
rtp: rtpmp2tdepay: RTP MPEG Transport Stream depayloader
rtp: rtpmp2tpay: RTP MPEG2 Transport Stream payloader
rtp: rtpmp4vpay: RTP MPEG4 Video payloader
rtp: rtpmp4vdepay: RTP MPEG4 video depayloader
rtp: rtpmp4apay: RTP MPEG4 audio payloader
rtp: rtpmp4adepay: RTP MPEG4 audio depayloader
rtp: rtpmp4gdepay: RTP MPEG4 ES depayloader
rtp: rtpmp4gpay: RTP MPEG4 ES payloader
rtp: rtpqcelpdepay: RTP QCELP depayloader
rtp: rtpqdm2depay: RTP QDM2 depayloader
rtp: rtpsbcdepay: RTP SBC audio depayloader
rtp: rtpsbcpay: RTP packet payloader
rtp: rtpsirenpay: RTP Payloader for Siren Audio
rtp: rtpsirendepay: RTP Siren packet depayloader
rtp: rtpspeexpay: RTP Speex payloader
rtp: rtpspeexdepay: RTP Speex depayloader
rtp: rtpsv3vdepay: RTP SVQ3 depayloader
rtp: rtptheoradepay: RTP Theora depayloader
rtp: rtptheorapay: RTP Theora payloader
rtp: rtpvorbisdepay: RTP Vorbis depayloader
rtp: rtpvorbispay: RTP Vorbis payloader
rtp: rtpvp8depay: RTP VP8 depayloader
rtp: rtpvp8pay: RTP VP8 payloader
rtp: rtpvp9depay: RTP VP9 depayloader
rtp: rtpvp9pay: RTP VP9 payloader
rtp: rtpvrawdepay: RTP Raw Video depayloader
rtp: rtpvrawpay: RTP Raw Video payloader
rtp: rtpstreampay: RTP Stream Payloading
rtp: rtpstreamdepay: RTP Stream Depayloading
replaygain: rganalysis: ReplayGain analysis
replaygain: rglimiter: ReplayGain limiter
replaygain: rgvolume: ReplayGain volume
pulseaudio: pulsesink: PulseAudio Audio Sink
pulseaudio: pulsesrc: PulseAudio Audio Source
pulseaudio: pulsedeviceprovider (GstDeviceProviderFactory)
png: pngdec: PNG image decoder
png: pngenc: PNG image encoder
playback: playbin: Player Bin 2
playback: playbin3: Player Bin 3
playback: playsink: Player Sink
playback: subtitleoverlay: Subtitle Overlay
playback: streamsynchronizer: Stream Synchronizer
playback: decodebin: Decoder Bin
playback: decodebin3: Decoder Bin 3
playback: uridecodebin: URI Decoder
playback: urisourcebin: URI reader
playback: parsebin: Parse Bin
ossaudio: osssrc: Audio Source (OSS)
ossaudio: osssink: Audio Sink (OSS)
oss4: oss4sink: OSS v4 Audio Sink
oss4: oss4src: OSS v4 Audio Source
opus: opusenc: Opus audio encoder
opus: opusdec: Opus audio decoder
ogg: oggdemux: Ogg demuxer
ogg: oggmux: Ogg muxer
ogg: ogmaudioparse: OGM audio stream parser
ogg: ogmvideoparse: OGM video stream parser
ogg: ogmtextparse: OGM text stream parser
ogg: oggparse: Ogg parser
ogg: oggaviparse: Ogg AVI parser
navigationtest: navigationtest: Video navigation test
multipart: multipartdemux: Multipart demuxer
multipart: multipartmux: Multipart muxer
multifile: multifilesrc: Multi-File Source
multifile: multifilesink: Multi-File Sink
multifile: splitfilesrc: Split-File Source
multifile: splitmuxsink: Split Muxing Bin
multifile: splitmuxsrc: Split File Demuxing Bin
mulaw: mulawenc: Mu Law audio encoder
mulaw: mulawdec: Mu Law audio decoder
monoscope: monoscope: Monoscope
matroska: matroskademux: Matroska demuxer
matroska: matroskaparse: Matroska parser
matroska: matroskamux: Matroska muxer
matroska: webmmux: WebM muxer
level: level: Level
jpeg: jpegenc: JPEG image encoder
jpeg: jpegdec: JPEG image decoder
jack: jackaudiosrc: Audio Source (Jack)
jack: jackaudiosink: Audio Sink (Jack)
isomp4: qtdemux: QuickTime demuxer
isomp4: rtpxqtdepay: RTP packet depayloader
isomp4: qtmux: QuickTime Muxer
isomp4: mp4mux: MP4 Muxer
isomp4: ismlmux: ISML Muxer
isomp4: 3gppmux: 3GPP Muxer
isomp4: mj2mux: MJ2 Muxer
isomp4: qtmoovrecover: QT Moov Recover
interleave: interleave: Audio interleaver
interleave: deinterleave: Audio deinterleaver
imagefreeze: imagefreeze: Still frame stream generator
id3demux: id3demux: ID3 tag demuxer
icydemux: icydemux: ICY tag demuxer
goom2k1: goom2k1: GOOM: what a GOOM! 2k1 edition
goom: goom: GOOM: what a GOOM!
gdkpixbuf: gdkpixbufdec: GdkPixbuf image decoder
gdkpixbuf: gdkpixbufoverlay: GdkPixbuf Overlay
gdkpixbuf: gdkpixbufsink: GdkPixbuf sink
flxdec: flxdec: FLX video decoder
flv: flvdemux: FLV Demuxer
flv: flvmux: FLV muxer
flac: flacenc: FLAC audio encoder
flac: flacdec: FLAC audio decoder
flac: flactag: FLAC tagger
equalizer: equalizer-nbands: N Band Equalizer
equalizer: equalizer-3bands: 3 Band Equalizer
equalizer: equalizer-10bands: 10 Band Equalizer
encoding: encodebin: Encoder Bin
effectv: edgetv: EdgeTV effect
effectv: agingtv: AgingTV effect
effectv: dicetv: DiceTV effect
effectv: warptv: WarpTV effect
effectv: shagadelictv: ShagadelicTV
effectv: vertigotv: VertigoTV effect
effectv: revtv: RevTV effect
effectv: quarktv: QuarkTV effect
effectv: optv: OpTV effect
effectv: radioactv: RadioacTV effect
effectv: streaktv: StreakTV effect
effectv: rippletv: RippleTV effect
dv: dvdemux: DV system stream demuxer
dv: dvdec: DV video decoder
dtmf: dtmfsrc: DTMF tone generator
dtmf: rtpdtmfsrc: RTP DTMF packet generator
dtmf: rtpdtmfdepay: RTP DTMF packet depayloader
deinterlace: deinterlace: Deinterlacer
debug: breakmydata: Break my data
debug: capssetter: CapsSetter
debug: rndbuffersize: Random buffer size
debug: navseek: Seek based on left-right arrows
debug: pushfilesrc: Push File Source
debug: progressreport: Progress report
debug: taginject: TagInject
debug: testsink: Test plugin
debug: cpureport: CPU report
cdparanoia: cdparanoiasrc: CD Audio (cdda) Source, Paranoia IV
cairo: cairooverlay: Cairo overlay
cacasink: cacasink: A colored ASCII art video sink
autodetect: autovideosink: Auto video sink
autodetect: autovideosrc: Auto video source
autodetect: autoaudiosink: Auto audio sink
autodetect: autoaudiosrc: Auto audio source
auparse: auparse: AU audio demuxer
audiotestsrc: audiotestsrc: Audio test source
audioresample: audioresample: Audio resampler
audiorate: audiorate: Audio rate adjuster
audioparsers: aacparse: AAC audio stream parser
audioparsers: amrparse: AMR audio stream parser
audioparsers: ac3parse: AC3 audio stream parser
audioparsers: dcaparse: DTS Coherent Acoustics audio stream parser
audioparsers: flacparse: FLAC audio parser
audioparsers: mpegaudioparse: MPEG1 Audio Parser
audioparsers: sbcparse: SBC audio parser
audioparsers: wavpackparse: Wavpack audio stream parser
audiofx: audiopanorama: Stereo positioning
audiofx: audioinvert: Audio inversion
audiofx: audiokaraoke: AudioKaraoke
audiofx: audioamplify: Audio amplifier
audiofx: audiodynamic: Dynamic range controller
audiofx: audiocheblimit: Low pass & high pass filter
audiofx: audiochebband: Band pass & band reject filter
audiofx: audioiirfilter: Audio IIR filter
audiofx: audiowsinclimit: Low pass & high pass filter
audiofx: audiowsincband: Band pass & band reject filter
audiofx: audiofirfilter: Audio FIR filter
audiofx: audioecho: Audio echo
audiofx: scaletempo: Scaletempo
audioconvert: audioconvert: Audio converter
app: appsrc: AppSrc
app: appsink: AppSink
apetag: apedemux: APE tag demuxer
alphacolor: alphacolor: Alpha color filter
alaw: alawenc: A Law audio encoder
alaw: alawdec: A Law audio decoder
adder: adder: Adder
aasink: aasink: ASCII art video sink
1394: dv1394src: Firewire (1394) DV video source
1394: hdv1394src: Firewire (1394) HDV video source
coretracers: latency (GstTracerFactory)
coretracers: log (GstTracerFactory)
coretracers: rusage (GstTracerFactory)
coretracers: stats (GstTracerFactory)
coretracers: leaks (GstTracerFactory)
coreelements: capsfilter: CapsFilter
coreelements: concat: Concat
coreelements: downloadbuffer: DownloadBuffer
coreelements: fakesrc: Fake Source
coreelements: fakesink: Fake Sink
coreelements: fdsrc: Filedescriptor Source
coreelements: fdsink: Filedescriptor Sink
coreelements: filesrc: File Source
coreelements: funnel: Funnel pipe fitting
coreelements: identity: Identity
coreelements: input-selector: Input selector
coreelements: output-selector: Output selector
coreelements: queue: Queue
coreelements: queue2: Queue 2
coreelements: filesink: File Sink
coreelements: tee: Tee pipe fitting
coreelements: typefind: TypeFind
coreelements: multiqueue: MultiQueue
coreelements: valve: Valve element
coreelements: streamiddemux: Streamid Demux
staticelements: bin: Generic bin
staticelements: pipeline: Pipeline object

Total count: 89 plugins, 471 features
winetricks gdiplus=native sound=pulse winegsreamer=builtin
Using winetricks 20190310 - sha256sum: cf44b3cbf4134adb9f9dd7eec0d50b45d34ae65c5432d72edc24bcd1841888ba with wine-4.12.1 and WINEARCH=win32

You are running winetricks-20190310, latest upstream is winetricks-20190615!

You should update using your distribution's package manager, --self-update, or manually.

Using native override for following DLLs: gdiplus
Executing wine regedit C:windowsTemp_nativeoverride-dll.reg
Executing w_do_call sound=pulse
Executing load_sound pulse
Setting sound driver to pulse
Executing wine regedit C:windowsTemp_sound=pulseset-sound.reg
Using builtin override for following DLLs: winegsreamer
Executing wine regedit C:windowsTemp_builtinoverride-dll.reg
wine /opt/mtgo/mtgo.exe
003c:err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
003c:err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80040154 for dll L"mscoree.dll"
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {1e66f26b-79ee-11d2-8710-00c04f79ed0d} could be created for context 0x1
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003c:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003c:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
004d:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
004d:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
004d:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
004d:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
====== MTGO.exe has started.
0060:err:ole:CoGetContextToken apartment not initialised
0065:err:winediag:wined3d_dll_init Disabling 3D support.
005a:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
005a:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
005a:err:combase:RoGetActivationFactory Failed to find library for L"Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.AsyncCausalityTracer"
0062:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
0062:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
006d:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
006d:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
0077:err:quartz:GetClassMediaFile Media class not found
ALSA lib seq_hw.c:466:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory
0077:err:winediag:MIDIMAP_drvOpen No software synthesizer midi port found, Midi sound output probably won't work.
0077:err:ole:COMPOBJ_DllList_Add couldn't load in-process dll L"C:\windows\system32\winegstreamer.dll"
0077:err:ole:create_server class {f9d8d64e-a144-47dc-8ee0-f53498372c29} not registered
0077:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {f9d8d64e-a144-47dc-8ee0-f53498372c29} could be created for context 0x17
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0
007a:err:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData 0

Sound didn't seem to work. I also noticed the game was running much slower.

update -> I heard some audio! I restarted Wine like I normally do (wine mtgo.exe) and played a match. Heard some noises!

Good to hear! Do you still experience slowness? Is the sound working consistently?