
Pulse Audio locks up on launching

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Pulse audio kept hard locking on my system, and I finally figured out that launching MTGO under this docker image was the cause. After launching with --disable-sound pulse audio no longer locks, so pretty certain launching MTGO with the default settings from here is the cause

Screenshot of pulse audio in my system manager when it is locked up:

Also worth noting I don't seem to be able to re-enable sound after running with --disable-sound. Running with the --sound option gives me:

PulseAudio does not seem active (/run/user/0/pulse/native not found)

Thanks for this report.
Just to get it right - now if you do ./run-mtgo with the latest version of the script ( without any option, is PulseAudio still overheating? Or did running once with --disable-sound fixed the issue?
For re-enabling sound, currently the script does not autostart pulseaudio, so you'll need doing pulseaudio --start just before calling ./run-mtgo --sound.

pulseaudio --start before running with --sound doesn't seem to change anything:

jeff@hoogl-desktop:~$ pulseaudio --start
jeff@hoogl-desktop:~$ sudo ./run-mtgo --sound
PulseAudio does not seem active (/run/user/0/pulse/native not found)

Just for my own understanding - when I run this script with --disable-sound is that only toggling audio off for the docker image / MTGO or is this doing something at the system level?

Ah, this is due to the sudo, the script looks for pulseaudio running for the root user in this case..
Why do you need sudo by the way? If this is to run docker, it is usually sufficient to add your user to the docker group (sudo usermod -aG docker $USER, then restart session).

The --disable-sound only acts within the docker image (disable the audio driver in wine). So does --sound as well, in theory..

Ahh alrighty, I'll have to setup my normal user to have docker permission when I get a chance. I'd never poked at docker before this, so when it didn't work with my normal user by default I just ran it with sudo and have been using it as such since cause it just worked that way.

As for issue #40, you will also have to restore the right permissions in your ~/.local/share/mtgo
(sudo chmod -R $USER: $HOME/.local/share/mtgo)

I've updated the sound docker image (./run-mtgo --sound --update), let me know if the locking is still happening.

Closing old and probably outdated bugs. Please reopen if it is still happening.