
MTGO update broke program.

jakethekoenig opened this issue ยท 84 comments

The March 25th, 2020 MTGO update has seemed to break things. I've attached the output of ./run_mtgo Let me know if you want more information about the error.

Same here:

Using winetricks 20191224 - sha256sum: afe039a7d72553cb761f0367f9f2085b92af8caf86e025c34bbc1fdd89a1f9ee with wine-4.9 and WINEARCH=win32
Using native override for following DLLs: gdiplus
Executing wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\_native\override-dll.reg
Executing w_do_call sound=disabled
Executing load_sound disabled
Setting sound driver to disabled
Executing wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\set-sound.reg
Using  override for following DLLs: winegstreamer
Executing wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\_disabled\override-dll.reg
wine /opt/mtgo/mtgo.exe
0046:err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
0046:err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80040154 for dll L"mscoree.dll"
0046:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {1e66f26b-79ee-11d2-8710-00c04f79ed0d} could be created for context 0x1
0046:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
0046:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
0046:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
0046:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
0046:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
0046:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
0046:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
0046:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
0046:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
0046:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
0046:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
0046:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
0046:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
0046:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
0057:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
0057:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
0057:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
0057:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
====== MTGO.exe has started.
0065:err:wgl:init_opengl Failed to load libGL: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
0065:err:wgl:init_opengl OpenGL support is disabled.
006a:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
006a:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
005f:err:combase:RoGetActivationFactory Failed to find library for L"Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.AsyncCausalityTracer"
====== shutting down
wineserver -kw

the same error happens to me

will we be without mol for a long time?

Same here, with --debug flag output

====== MTGO.exe has started.
0061:err:ole:CoGetContextToken apartment not initialised
006a:err:winediag:wined3d_dll_init Disabling 3D support.
006e:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
006e:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
005f:err:combase:RoGetActivationFactory Failed to find library for L"Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.AsyncCausalityTracer"
====== shutting down

It may be a problem with the libraries or the version of wine.
I tried to run with a fork where I changed the WINE_TAG variable to 4.21 just to take a stab in the dark, I didn't see a difference.

Can you try with

./run-mtgo --update panard/mtgo:pr73

? (wine 5.4)

rm error.log; touch error.log; ./run-mtgo --update --debug panard/mtgo:pr73 > error.log

005e:err:ole:CoGetContextToken apartment not initialised
====== MTGO.exe has started.
0062:err:wgl:init_opengl Failed to load libGL: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
0062:err:wgl:init_opengl OpenGL support is disabled.
0066:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
0066:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
005c:err:combase:RoGetActivationFactory Failed to find library for L"Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.AsyncCausalityTracer"
====== shutting down
wineserver -kw

I still get that error too.

The error on the missing library was already here before, so it might be a false direction. I'm trying by enabling opengl, but I have a very slow connection, so it takes time..
Can anyone try installing it outside docker? Following

The error on the missing library was already here before, so it might be a false direction. I'm trying by enabling opengl, but I have a very slow connection, so it takes time..
Can anyone try installing it outside docker? Following

I actually don't know how ๐Ÿ˜ฌ I'll try to figure it out...

So according to this post, the manual installation does not work either
I need to install a proper debugging env, will take some time with my slow connection, I keep you updated.

FWIW I've tried running MTGO from a fresh wine install, trying several versions of dotnet, but no success. If there's anything you'd like me to test I'd be happy to help.

To echo that I'm happy to try anything you need testing also.

The error on the missing library was already here before, so it might be a false direction. I'm trying by enabling opengl, but I have a very slow connection, so it takes time..
Can anyone try installing it outside docker? Following

I've just tried to install opengl but the library error still there:

====== MTGO.exe has started.
0069:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
0069:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
005e:err:combase:RoGetActivationFactory Failed to find library for L"Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.AsyncCausalityTracer"
====== shutting down```

Not sure how to debug this.. I'm trying with native dlls instead of wine builtins, but no success so far...
@theli-ua any idea?

I seem to be getting a different error, or maybe I'm just looking in the wrong spot. Just started using this and really have no idea about any of it. But the last couple of lines on mine say

004a:fixme:ntdll:EtwEventUnregister (deadbeef) stub.
004a:fixme:ntdll:EtwEventUnregister (deadbeef) stub.
0044:fixme๐ŸงตNtQueryInformationThread ThreadIsIoPending info class not supported yet
0042:fixme๐ŸงตNtQueryInformationThread ThreadIsIoPending info class not supported yet

Tried to install manually on arch with wine-5.4 (staging) with no success.

I'm in the process of installing dotnet471 and trying to resolve the openGL issue. I've got the proper libraries installed but I'm still seeing the error where it is unable to find

@pauleve if you have any suggestions you'd like me to try, my connection is pretty quick so I can give it a try during the day.

Tried to install manually on arch with wine-5.4 (staging) with no success.

I'm in the process of installing dotnet471 and trying to resolve the openGL issue. I've got the proper libraries installed but I'm still seeing the error where it is unable to find

@pauleve if you have any suggestions you'd like me to try, my connection is pretty quick so I can give it a try during the day.

@brianmadden to solve the libGL it's necessary to install libgl-dev.

Do you find how to solve the Failed to find library for L"Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.AsyncCausalityTracer" error?

For some reason, despite having all of the OpenGL libraries already installed, reinstalling them did get that error to go away. That did not fix the issue though. Looks like dotnet471 also did not help.

@giovannirossini I have not yet figured that one out, but I was sort of working on the assumption that the issue was further up the stack. My guess was that it was trying to load this Diagnostic library due to something else being broken. Maybe I'm wrong here though. I'm going to keep trying things throughout the day. Will report back if I find anything.

Hi, I'm very new to wine and how the terminal works. I too cannot open mtgo, but my error message is different from the ones I'm seeing here. Does this help or is it a separate error?
007b:fixme๐ŸงตNtQueryInformationThread ThreadIsIoPending info class not supported yet
0079:fixme๐ŸงตNtQueryInformationThread ThreadIsIoPending info class not supported yet

@Rango77 it is likely all the same error. I am not at my computer right now, but I have seen this too. Hopefully one of us will get this sorted in the next day or so. I have Tix to burn and leagues to 0-5! ๐Ÿ˜†

@Rango77 I'm also brand new to this and I got the same error

save me ^^

Can anyone link a good primer on how to do a manual installation with wine, without using docker? I can't find any great docs in this, and lots of different scripts out there that are all kind of hacky. I just did a full upgrade to ubuntu 19.10 and want to see if that helps.

@kylesnowschwartz - note that I did try yesterday on ubuntu 19.10, without any success..

It's really unclear what the cause is, the error message on missing library was already here before. The changes are apparently focused on the welcome screen, so maybe something related to media (sound, image, ..)

From this tweet:
I can tell you "client startup music" has been added. There's also new sounds in matches as well for the cards but there were sounds in the matches before so I doubt that was the issue.

I checked using VirtualBox, and it is hard to notice any big difference except the startup music.. there is maybe something around that then...

I managed to get a maybe useful error message thrown by MTGO:

LShow Error Dialog:
MagicExceptionType: MagicException
Severity: Fatal
Message: Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred.
ActionToTake: The application will now close.
InternalDetails: Unexpected error - see inner exception
   at Shiny.App.Dispatcher_UnhandledException(Object sender, DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) in C:\CM\workspace\release_next\source\windows\clients\Shiny\View\MainNavigation\App.xaml.cs:line 533
   at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.CatchException(Exception e)
   at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.CatchExceptionStatic(Object source, Exception e)
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.CatchException(Object source, Exception e, Delegate catchHandler)
   at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
   at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.InvokeImpl()
   at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.InvokeInSecurityContext(Object state)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.Invoke()
   at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.ProcessQueue()
   at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.WndProcHook(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
   at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
   at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o)
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
   at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.LegacyInvokeImpl(DispatcherPriority priority, TimeSpan timeout, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.SubclassWndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
   at MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessage(MSG& msg)
   at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.PushFrameImpl(DispatcherFrame frame)
   at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.PushFrame(DispatcherFrame frame)
   at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Run()
   at System.Windows.Application.RunDispatcher(Object ignore)
   at System.Windows.Application.RunInternal(Window window)
   at System.Windows.Application.Run(Window window)
   at Shiny.App.Main() in C:\CM\workspace\release_next\source\windows\clients\Shiny\View\MainNavigation\obj\Release\App.g.cs:line 51

Inner exception:System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Please be sure a sound file exists at the specified location.
File name: './Audio/Alerts/CLIENT_STARTUP.wav'
   at System.Media.SoundPlayer.ValidateSoundFile(String fileName)
   at System.Media.SoundPlayer.LoadAndPlay(Int32 flags)
   at System.Media.SoundPlayer.Play()
   at Shiny.App.OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) in C:\CM\workspace\release_next\source\windows\clients\Shiny\View\MainNavigation\App.xaml.cs:line 224
   at System.Windows.Application.<.ctor>b__1(Object unused)
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
   at System.Media.SoundPlayer.ValidateSoundFile(String fileName)
   at System.Media.SoundPlayer.LoadAndPlay(Int32 flags)
   at System.Media.SoundPlayer.Play()
   at Shiny.App.OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) in C:\CM\workspace\release_next\source\windows\clients\Shiny\View\MainNavigation\App.xaml.cs:line 224
   at System.Windows.Application.<.ctor>b__1(Object unused)
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

However, the file './Audio/Alerts/CLIENT_STARTUP.wav' exists and looking at system calls, it seems to never try to access it..

For the record, the above error seems occurring along the following instructions

21699.195:0008:0009:Call winmm.mmioOpenW(022b3e74 L"C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\\Audio\\Alerts\\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav",00000000,00010000) ret=04658317
21699.195:0008:0009:Call KERNEL32.WideCharToMultiByte(00000000,00000000,022b3e74 L"C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\\Audio\\Alerts\\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav",ffffffff,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000) ret=0a361c82
21699.195:0008:0009:trace:nls:WideCharToMultiByte cp 0 L"C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\\Audio\\Alerts\\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav\0000" -> (null), ret = 168
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  KERNEL32.WideCharToMultiByte() retval=000000a8 ret=0a361c82
21699.195:0008:0009:Call ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap(00110000,00000000,000000a8) ret=0a361ca7
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap() retval=1d6219e0 ret=0a361ca7
21699.195:0008:0009:Call KERNEL32.WideCharToMultiByte(00000000,00000000,022b3e74 L"C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\\Audio\\Alerts\\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav",ffffffff,1d6219e0,000000a8,00000000,00000000) ret=0a361cea
21699.195:0008:0009:trace:nls:WideCharToMultiByte cp 0 L"C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\\Audio\\Alerts\\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav\0000" -> "C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\\Audio\\Alerts\\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav\x00", ret = 168
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  KERNEL32.WideCharToMultiByte() retval=000000a8 ret=0a361cea
21699.195:0008:0009:Call KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA(0a37d6e0 "ntdll.dll") ret=0a373e25
21699.195:0008:0009:Call ntdll.RtlInitAnsiString(0032ea70,0a37d6e0 "ntdll.dll") ret=7b0109ff
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  ntdll.RtlInitAnsiString() retval=0032ea2c ret=7b0109ff
21699.195:0008:0009:Call ntdll.RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(7ffd8bf8,0032ea70,00000000) ret=7b010a86
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  ntdll.RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString() retval=00000000 ret=7b010a86
21699.195:0008:0009:Call ntdll.RtlInitUnicodeString(0032ea88,7ffd8c00 L"ntdll.dll") ret=7b01c4e4
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  ntdll.RtlInitUnicodeString() retval=00000014 ret=7b01c4e4
21699.195:0008:0009:Call ntdll.LdrGetDllHandle(00000000,00000000,0032ea88,0032ea80) ret=7b01c508
21699.195:0008:0009:trace:actctx:RtlFindActivationContextSectionString 00000001 (null) 2 L"ntdll.dll" 0x32e76c
21699.195:0008:0009:trace:module:LdrGetDllHandle L"ntdll.dll" -> 0x7bc30000 (load path L"C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418;C:\\windows\\system32;C:\\windows\\system;C:\\windows;.;C:\\windows\\system32;C:\\windows;C:\\windows\\system32\\wbem")
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  ntdll.LdrGetDllHandle() retval=00000000 ret=7b01c508
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA() retval=7bc30000 ret=0a373e25
21699.195:0008:0009:Call KERNEL32.GetProcAddress(7bc30000,0a37d70b "__wine_dbg_strdup") ret=0a373e38
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  KERNEL32.GetProcAddress() retval=7bc5cf20 ret=0a373e38
21699.195:0008:0009:trace:mmio:MMIO_Open Format is: "(%s, %p, %08X, %s);\n"
("C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\\Audio\\Alerts\\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav", 00000000, 00010000, unicode);
21699.195:0008:0009:Call ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap(00110000,00000008,00000058) ret=0a361844
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap() retval=1d620390 ret=0a361844
21699.195:0008:0009:trace:mmio:MMIO_ParseExtA Format is: "(%s)\n"
("C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\\Audio\\Alerts\\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav")
21699.195:0008:0009:Call msvcrt.strrchr(1d6219e0 "C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\\Audio\\Alerts\\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav",0000002b) ret=0a36145a
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  msvcrt.strrchr() retval=00000000 ret=0a36145a
21699.195:0008:0009:trace:mmio:MMIO_SetBuffer Format is: "(%p %p %d %u)\n"
(1D620390 00000000 8192 0)
21699.195:0008:0009:Call KERNEL32.HeapFree(00110000,00000000,00000000) ret=0a35fed3
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  KERNEL32.HeapFree() retval=00000001 ret=0a35fed3
21699.195:0008:0009:Call ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap(00110000,00000000,00002000) ret=0a35ff60
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap() retval=08a9f698 ret=0a35ff60
21699.195:0008:0009:trace:mmio:mmioDosIOProc Format is: "(%p, %X, 0x%lx, 0x%lx);\n"
(1D620390, 3, 0x1d6219e0, 0x0);
21699.195:0008:0009:Call KERNEL32.OpenFile(1d6219e0 "C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\\Audio\\Alerts\\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav",0032ea98,00000000) ret=0a3603b7
21699.195:0008:0009:trace:file:OpenFile C:\users\wine\Local Settings\Application Data\Apps\2.0\LH2620AD.21O\548M9ONC.9MC\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\Audio\Alerts\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav OF_READ OF_SHARE_COMPAT 
21699.195:0008:0009:trace:file:OpenFile C:\users\wine\Local Settings\Application Data\Apps\2.0\LH2620AD.21O\548M9ONC.9MC\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\Audio\Alerts\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav 0000
21699.195:0008:0009:Call ntdll.RtlInitAnsiString(0032e770,1d6219e0 "C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\\Audio\\Alerts\\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav") ret=7b0109ff
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  ntdll.RtlInitAnsiString() retval=0032e72c ret=7b0109ff
21699.195:0008:0009:Call ntdll.RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(7ffd8bf8,0032e770,00000000) ret=7b010a86
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  ntdll.RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString() retval=00000000 ret=7b010a86
21699.195:0008:0009:Call ntdll.RtlGetFullPathName_U(7ffd8c00 L"C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\\Audio\\Alerts\\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav",00000208,0032e7a8,0032e7a4) ret=7b0142c2
21699.195:0008:0009:trace:file:RtlGetFullPathName_U (L"C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\\Audio\\Alerts\\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav" 520 0x32e7a8 0x32e7a4)
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  ntdll.RtlGetFullPathName_U() retval=0000014e ret=7b0142c2
21699.195:0008:0009:Call ntdll.RtlInitUnicodeString(0032e770,0032e7a8 L"C:\\users\\wine\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Apps\\2.0\\LH2620AD.21O\\548M9ONC.9MC\\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\\Audio\\Alerts\\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav") ret=7b01042b
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  ntdll.RtlInitUnicodeString() retval=00000150 ret=7b01042b
21699.195:0008:0009:Call ntdll.RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize(0032e770) ret=7b01049a
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  ntdll.RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize() retval=000000a8 ret=7b01049a
21699.195:0008:0009:warn:file:OpenFile (C:\users\wine\Local Settings\Application Data\Apps\2.0\LH2620AD.21O\548M9ONC.9MC\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\Audio\Alerts\CLIENT_STARTUP.wav): return = HFILE_ERROR error= 13
21699.195:0008:0009:Ret  KERNEL32.OpenFile() retval=ffffffff ret=0a3603b7

which then triggers a cascade of exceptions and ultimately stops the program.
I'll continue debugging later..

Got it running :-) I'll update the image asap.

Loรฏc, our hero!

It is live :-)

./run-mtgo --update

For the story, the bug is due to filenames being too long with regards to some constants encoded into wine..

The bad news is that I had to patch wine, so currently it is only possible to play using the docker image, or by compiling wine yourself with the patch

I'll try to get the patch accepted soon (at least in staging) so macOS users don't have to use docker, but it might take a couple of weeks (I tried to workaround the bug by changing installation paths which would avoid the need of this patch, but without success so far).
Maybe an experienced macOS user could make the build and share the package?

forgive my english.
the program worked. right after he closed

Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0xf4a17b14).
Register dump:
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
EIP:f4a17b14 ESP:1d90f934 EBP:1d90f958 EFLAGS:00010246( R- -- I Z- -P- )
EAX:00000000 EBX:09bf2798 ECX:1d90f930 EDX:00000000
ESI:09bf2974 EDI:09bf23f0
Stack dump:
0x1d90f934: 00000001 1d90f960 09bf2798 09bf2974
0x1d90f944: 09bf23f0 1d90f970 09bf2798 09bf2974
0x1d90f954: 09bf23f0 1d90f9b8 f4a150c2 09bf23f0
0x1d90f964: ffffffff 1d90f9b8 f4a150c2 09bf2798
0x1d90f974: 1d90f990 1d90f9b8 f4a588f8 09bf23f0
0x1d90f984: 00000000 1d90f9b8 00000000 09bed2b8
=>0 0xf4a17b14 PullPin_Disconnect+0x34() in quartz (0x1d90f958)
1 0xf4a150c2 AMGetErrorTextA+0x4ad1() in quartz (0x1d90f9b8)
2 0xf4a0749b GetClassMediaFile+0xe07a() in quartz (0x1d90fb48)
3 0xf4a07fa7 GetClassMediaFile+0xeb86() in quartz (0x1d90fd58)
4 0xf49fc92c GetClassMediaFile+0x350b() in quartz (0x1d90fdb8)
5 0xf4f96ec2 in wmp (+0x16ec1) (0x1d90fe28)
6 0x0573588f EntryPoint+0x8113a() in wpfgfx_v0400 (0x1d90fe50)
7 0x05734fb7 EntryPoint+0x80862() in wpfgfx_v0400 (0x1d90fe90)
8 0x0572f271 EntryPoint+0x7ab1c() in wpfgfx_v0400 (0x1d90fed0)
9 0x0572f0a1 EntryPoint+0x7a94c() in wpfgfx_v0400 (0x1d90fee4)
10 0x0572f030 EntryPoint+0x7a8db() in wpfgfx_v0400 (0x1d90feec)
11 0x7bc9e5c0 call_thread_func_wrapper+0xb() in ntdll (0x1d90fefc)
12 0x7bca1935 RtlCaptureStackBackTrace+0x1f4() in ntdll (0x1d90ffdc)
13 0x7bc9e5b2 call_thread_exit_func+0x31() in ntdll (0x1d90ffec)
0xf4a17b14 PullPin_Disconnect+0x34 in quartz: movl 0x0(%eax),%edx
Module Address Debug info Name (187 modules)
PE 3d0000- 3e3000 Deferred nlssorting
PE 400000- b14000 Deferred mtgo
PE d40000- 13e8000 Deferred clr
PE 13f0000- 14e5000 Deferred msvcr120_clr0400
PE 3be0000- 3c5d000 Deferred clrjit
PE 4190000- 4b3c000 Deferred
PE 4b40000- 5643000 Deferred
PE 5650000- 57ee000 Export wpfgfx_v0400
PE 57f0000- 58b0000 Deferred presentationnative_v0400
PE e4a0000- e574000 Deferred diasymreader
PE e580000- f1d8000 Deferred
PE f980000- fcb1000 Deferred
PE 10000000-10078000 Deferred mscoreei
PE 16550000-16cc0000 Deferred
PE 1a130000-1a14e000 Deferred clrcompression
PE 1ff00000-1ff13000 Deferred dxva2
PE 25cb0000-25e40000 Deferred gdiplus
PE 564c0000-56542000 Deferred
PE 56610000-57827000 Deferred
PE 580d0000-5829c000 Deferred
PE 584e0000-588a5000 Deferred
PE 5e430000-5e5fb000 Deferred
PE 60370000-60460000 Deferred
PE 60510000-60626000 Deferred dfshim
PE 61a00000-62116000 Deferred
PE 62160000-62876000 Deferred
PE 63c00000-63d1c000 Deferred
PE 79000000-7904a000 Deferred mscoree
PE 79720000-7a93b000 Deferred
PE 7aea0000-7b02d000 Deferred
ELF 7b400000-7b847000 Deferred kernel32
-PE 7b430000-7b847000 \ kernel32
ELF 7bc00000-7bd31000 Dwarf ntdll
-PE 7bc30000-7bd31000 \ ntdll
ELF 7c000000-7c004000 Deferred
ELF 7ef71000-7ef84000 Deferred
ELF 7ef84000-7ef91000 Deferred
ELF 7ef91000-7efab000 Deferred
ELF 7efab000-7f000000 Deferred
ELF f436e000-f44d7000 Deferred comctl32
-PE f4390000-f44d7000 \ comctl32
ELF f495f000-f49b9000 Deferred usp10
-PE f4970000-f49b9000 \ usp10
ELF f49b9000-f4ac2000 Dwarf quartz
-PE f49e0000-f4ac2000 \ quartz
ELF f4d19000-f4d2d000 Deferred psapi
-PE f4d20000-f4d2d000 \ psapi
ELF f4d37000-f4d56000 Deferred msdmo
-PE f4d40000-f4d56000 \ msdmo
ELF f4d56000-f4d7f000 Deferred devenum
-PE f4d60000-f4d7f000 \ devenum
ELF f4d7f000-f4daf000 Deferred msvfw32
-PE f4d90000-f4daf000 \ msvfw32
ELF f4daf000-f4dff000 Deferred dsound
-PE f4dc0000-f4dff000 \ dsound
ELF f4f4f000-f4f66000 Deferred uiautomationcore
-PE f4f50000-f4f66000 \ uiautomationcore
ELF f4f66000-f4f7c000 Deferred avicap32
-PE f4f70000-f4f7c000 \ avicap32
ELF f4f7c000-f4fb5000 Dwarf wmp
-PE f4f80000-f4fb5000 \ wmp
ELF f4fb5000-f4fd2000 Deferred cryptnet
-PE f4fc0000-f4fd2000 \ cryptnet
ELF f5016000-f50ec000 Deferred msvcrt
-PE f5040000-f50ec000 \ msvcrt
ELF f50ec000-f5102000 Deferred schannel
-PE f50f0000-f5102000 \ schannel
ELF f5102000-f5119000 Deferred kerberos
-PE f5110000-f5119000 \ kerberos
ELF f5119000-f515f000 Deferred netapi32
-PE f5120000-f515f000 \ netapi32
ELF f515f000-f51a6000 Deferred secur32
-PE f5170000-f51a6000 \ secur32
ELF f51a6000-f51bf000 Deferred wtsapi32
-PE f51b0000-f51bf000 \ wtsapi32
ELF f51bf000-f51d3000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-winrt-string-l1-1-0
-PE f51c0000-f51d3000 \ api-ms-win-core-winrt-string-l1-1-0
ELF f51d3000-f5200000 Deferred jsproxy
-PE f51e0000-f5200000 \ jsproxy
ELF f5311000-f5362000 Deferred winhttp
-PE f5320000-f5362000 \ winhttp
ELF f5362000-f537f000 Deferred rasapi32
-PE f5370000-f537f000 \ rasapi32
ELF f537f000-f5397000 Deferred
ELF f5397000-f53c3000 Deferred iphlpapi
-PE f53a0000-f53c3000 \ iphlpapi
ELF f53c3000-f5400000 Deferred uxtheme
-PE f53d0000-f5400000 \ uxtheme
ELF f550c000-f552a000 Deferred
ELF f552a000-f5600000 Deferred winmm
-PE f5540000-f5600000 \ winmm
ELF f5701000-f5708000 Deferred
ELF f5708000-f573d000 Deferred mmdevapi
-PE f5710000-f573d000 \ mmdevapi
ELF f573d000-f577a000 Deferred msacm32
-PE f5750000-f577a000 \ msacm32
ELF f577a000-f578e000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-winrt-roparameterizediid-l1-1-0
-PE f5780000-f578e000 \ api-ms-win-core-winrt-roparameterizediid-l1-1-0
ELF f578e000-f5800000 Deferred
ELF f5b00000-f5b18000 Deferred dwmapi
-PE f5b10000-f5b18000 \ dwmapi
ELF f5b18000-f5b2e000 Deferred windowscodecsext
-PE f5b20000-f5b2e000 \ windowscodecsext
ELF f5b2e000-f5b91000 Deferred
ELF f5b91000-f5bc3000 Deferred mscms
-PE f5ba0000-f5bc3000 \ mscms
ELF f5bc3000-f5bfc000 Deferred propsys
-PE f5bd0000-f5bfc000 \ propsys
ELF f5bfc000-f5cd9000 Deferred windowscodecs
-PE f5c20000-f5cd9000 \ windowscodecs
ELF f5cd9000-f5d62000 Deferred dwrite
-PE f5cf0000-f5d62000 \ dwrite
ELF f5d62000-f5d6b000 Deferred
ELF f5d6b000-f5df9000 Deferred
ELF f5df9000-f5e2f000 Deferred
ELF f5e2f000-f5e6c000 Deferred
ELF f5e6c000-f5e81000 Deferred
ELF f5e81000-f5eb5000 Deferred
ELF f5eb5000-f5f17000 Deferred
ELF f5f17000-f60dc000 Deferred
ELF f60dc000-f61d3000 Deferred crypt32
-PE f6100000-f61d3000 \ crypt32
ELF f61d3000-f61fa000 Deferred bcrypt
-PE f61e0000-f61fa000 \ bcrypt
ELF f61fa000-f623b000 Deferred rsaenh
-PE f6200000-f623b000 \ rsaenh
ELF f623b000-f6276000 Deferred ws2_32
-PE f6250000-f6276000 \ ws2_32
ELF f6276000-f62b1000 Deferred mpr
-PE f6280000-f62b1000 \ mpr
ELF f62b1000-f6353000 Deferred wininet
-PE f62d0000-f6353000 \ wininet
ELF f6353000-f649c000 Deferred oleaut32
-PE f6380000-f649c000 \ oleaut32
ELF f649c000-f6558000 Deferred urlmon
-PE f64b0000-f6558000 \ urlmon
ELF f6558000-f658c000 Deferred shcore
-PE f6560000-f658c000 \ shcore
ELF f658c000-f6f95000 Deferred shell32
-PE f65c0000-f6f95000 \ shell32
ELF f6f95000-f6fbc000 Deferred combase
-PE f6fa0000-f6fbc000 \ combase
ELF f6fbc000-f6fd0000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-winrt-l1-1-0
-PE f6fc0000-f6fd0000 \ api-ms-win-core-winrt-l1-1-0
ELF f7016000-f7029000 Deferred
ELF f7029000-f7035000 Deferred
ELF f7035000-f703c000 Deferred
ELF f703c000-f7045000 Deferred
ELF f7045000-f7061000 Deferred
ELF f7061000-f7068000 Deferred
ELF f7068000-f706c000 Deferred
ELF f706c000-f7098000 Deferred
ELF f7098000-f71e6000 Deferred
ELF f71e6000-f71fb000 Deferred
ELF f7200000-f72ad000 Deferred winex11
-PE f7220000-f72ad000 \ winex11
ELF f72ad000-f7351000 Deferred rpcrt4
-PE f72d0000-f7351000 \ rpcrt4
ELF f7351000-f74c9000 Deferred ole32
-PE f7380000-f74c9000 \ ole32
ELF f74c9000-f7531000 Deferred kernelbase
-PE f74e0000-f7531000 \ kernelbase
ELF f7531000-f7545000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-quirks-l1-1-0
-PE f7540000-f7545000 \ api-ms-win-core-quirks-l1-1-0
ELF f7545000-f756b000 Deferred imm32
-PE f7550000-f756b000 \ imm32
ELF f756b000-f7595000 Deferred
ELF f7595000-f75d8000 Deferred
ELF f75d8000-f7612000 Deferred
ELF f7612000-f762d000 Deferred
ELF f762d000-f76e1000 Deferred
ELF f76e1000-f770c000 Deferred version
-PE f76f0000-f770c000 \ version
ELF f770c000-f785e000 Deferred gdi32
-PE f7730000-f785e000 \ gdi32
ELF f785e000-f7a8e000 Deferred user32
-PE f7890000-f7a8e000 \ user32
ELF f7a8e000-f7b1c000 Deferred shlwapi
-PE f7aa0000-f7b1c000 \ shlwapi
ELF f7b1c000-f7bb3000 Deferred advapi32
-PE f7b30000-f7bb3000 \ advapi32
ELF f7bb3000-f7bbd000 Deferred
ELF f7bbf000-f7bc4000 Deferred
ELF f7bc4000-f7d7c000 Deferred
ELF f7d7c000-f7d99000 Deferred
ELF f7d9e000-f7f56000 Dwarf
ELF f7f58000-f7f7d000 Deferred
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000e services.exe
00000020 0
0000001b 0
00000013 0
00000010 0
0000000f 0
00000011 winedevice.exe
00000017 0
00000016 0
00000012 0
00000019 plugplay.exe
0000001d 0
0000001c 0
0000001a 0
0000001e winedevice.exe
00000025 0
00000022 0
00000021 0
0000001f 0
00000023 explorer.exe
0000002e 0
0000002a 0
00000028 0
00000024 0
0000004a dfsvc.exe
0000005d 0
0000005c 0
0000005b 0
00000059 0
00000057 0
00000050 0
0000004f 0
0000004e 0
0000004d 2
0000004c 0
0000004b 0
0000005e (D) C:\users\wine\Local Settings\Application Data\Apps\2.0\539N19BM.YXE\LKNYB89A.L7G\mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418\MTGO.exe
00000084 0 <==
00000083 0
00000082 0
00000081 0
00000080 0
0000007f 0
0000007e 0
0000007d 0
0000007c 0
0000007b 0
0000007a 0
00000079 0
00000078 0
00000077 0
00000076 0
00000075 0
00000074 0
00000073 0
00000072 -1
00000071 0
00000070 0
0000006f 0
0000006e 0
0000006d 0
0000006c 0
0000006b 0
0000006a 0
00000069 0
00000068 0
00000065 0
00000064 0
00000062 0
00000061 2
00000060 0
0000005f 0
System information:
Wine build: wine-4.9
Platform: i386
Version: Windows 7
Host system: Linux
Host version: 5.3.0-42-generic

It is live :-)

./run-mtgo --update

For the story, the bug is due to filenames being too long with regards to some constants encoded into wine..

The bad news is that I had to patch wine, so currently it is only possible to play using the docker image, or by compiling wine yourself with the patch

I'll try to get the patch accepted soon (at least in staging) so macOS users don't have to use docker, but it might take a couple of weeks (I tried to workaround the bug by changing installation paths which would avoid the need of this path, but without success so far).
Maybe an experienced macOS user could make the build and share the package?

Following up on the previous post, I'm also receiving a new set of exceptions. The application window does launch though. I performed a --reset and a --update just to see if it would resolve itself. No dice. I'm attaching the contents of --debug Let me know if you'd like to raise a new issue.

Do you manage to play though? You may also give a try to wine 5.5:

./run-mtgo --update panard/mtgo:pr73

I am not managing to play, when running your update scriptโ€“โ€“the window opens, and I can see everything but the top bar of the window. However, it soon crashes.

Basically the same error code as mgoblin1.

Strange.. no problem here.. you may try the following

./run-mtgo --shell
find -name Audio -type d -exec mv -v {} {}.old \;

When running "find -name Audio -type d -exec mv -v {} {}.old ;", I got
"Using network interface 'en0'
open -a XQuartz
socat on forwarding to /private/tmp/
docker run --privileged --rm -e DISPLAY -it -v mtgo-data-shulmand:/home/wine/.wine/host/ -v mtgo-data-shulmand:/home/wine/.wine/drive_c/users/ -e WINE_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 --net=host --ipc=host -e TZ=/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles --name mtgo_running panard/mtgo:latest bash
wine@docker-desktop:~$ find -name Audio -type d -exec mv -v {} {}.old ;
'./.wine/drive_c/users/wine/Local Settings/Application Data/Apps/2.0/PJGNZD94.Y7D/WZGDYPQ7.EJK/mtgo.exe_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_none_7e62e30e3062108a/Audio' -> './.wine/drive_c/users/wine/Local Settings/Application Data/Apps/2.0/PJGNZD94.Y7D/WZGDYPQ7.EJK/mtgo.exe_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_none_7e62e30e3062108a/Audio.old'
find: './.wine/drive_c/users/wine/Local Settings/Application Data/Apps/2.0/PJGNZD94.Y7D/WZGDYPQ7.EJK/mtgo.exe_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_none_7e62e30e3062108a/Audio': No such file or directory
'./.wine/drive_c/users/wine/Local Settings/Application Data/Apps/2.0/PJGNZD94.Y7D/WZGDYPQ7.EJK/mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418/Audio' -> './.wine/drive_c/users/wine/Local Settings/Application Data/Apps/2.0/PJGNZD94.Y7D/WZGDYPQ7.EJK/mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418/Audio.old'
find: './.wine/drive_c/users/wine/Local Settings/Application Data/Apps/2.0/PJGNZD94.Y7D/WZGDYPQ7.EJK/mtgo..tion_80e21eca2a0e1258_0003.0004_d2d18fb7f6dd1418/Audio': No such file or directory"

Sorry wrong suggestion.. you may try instead

./run-mtgo --reset --update  panard/mtgo:pr73
winetricks quartz

Hmmโ€“โ€“running that first line results in an error code:
"docker pull panard/mtgo:pr73
pr73: Pulling from panard/mtgo
496409368f80: Already exists
72b2df331313: Pull complete
0adbb1cf88fa: Pull complete
0a858c2ffea3: Pull complete
3ab3c0b4f683: Pull complete
a3f63974f858: Pull complete
294b086d234d: Pull complete
ab256e665db6: Pull complete
feafb3940a0a: Pull complete
4db54d125379: Pull complete
61b69669bb74: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:ea5d985814ab6f79cac6155e677d2f866b7091950add4c543a60e52afdc33a28
Status: Downloaded newer image for panard/mtgo:pr73
docker volume create mtgo-data-shulmand
docker run --rm -v mtgo-data-shulmand:/home/wine/.wine/host panard/mtgo:pr73 true
Using network interface 'en0'
open -a XQuartz
socat on forwarding to /private/tmp/
docker run --privileged --rm -e DISPLAY -v mtgo-data-shulmand:/home/wine/.wine/host/ -v mtgo-data-shulmand:/home/wine/.wine/drive_c/users/ -e WINE_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 --net=host --ipc=host -e TZ=/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles --name mtgo_running panard/mtgo:pr73 mtgo
winetricks gdiplus=native sound=disabled winegstreamer=disabled
Using winetricks 20191224 - sha256sum: afe039a7d72553cb761f0367f9f2085b92af8caf86e025c34bbc1fdd89a1f9ee with wine-5.5 and WINEARCH=win32
Using native override for following DLLs: gdiplus
Executing wine regedit C:windowsTemp_nativeoverride-dll.reg
Executing w_do_call sound=disabled
Executing load_sound disabled
Setting sound driver to disabled
Executing wine regedit C:windowsTempset-sound.reg
Using override for following DLLs: winegstreamer
Executing wine regedit C:windowsTemp_disabledoverride-dll.reg
wine /opt/mtgo/mtgo.exe
003e:err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
003e:err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80040154 for dll L"mscoree.dll"
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {1e66f26b-79ee-11d2-8710-00c04f79ed0d} could be created for context 0x1
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
003e:err:ole:create_server class {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} not registered
003e:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {20fd4e26-8e0f-4f73-a0e0-f27b8c57be6f} could be created for context 0x4
0054:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
0054:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
0054:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
0054:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
====== MTGO.exe has started.
0074:err:wgl:init_opengl Failed to load libGL: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
0074:err:wgl:init_opengl OpenGL support is disabled.
0077:err:mmdevapi:DllGetClassObject Driver initialization failed
0077:err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80004005 for dll L"C:\windows\system32\mmdevapi.dll"
0077:err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {bcde0395-e52f-467c-8e3d-c4579291692e} could be created for context 0x1
006c:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
006c:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
006c:err:combase:RoGetActivationFactory Failed to find library for L"Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.AsyncCausalityTracer"
0071:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
0071:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
0080:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
0080:err:winsock:WSAIoctl -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request failed with status 0x2733
====== shutting down"

I can also message you to not take up all the space on this thread. Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate your work on this.

I had some success with:

./run-mtgo --reset --update  panard/mtgo:pr73 --shell

Then once the shell opens

winetricks quartz

This opens mtgo, but the window has strange graphical problems that have made it impossible to make it into a game thusfar

Yeah, Others, I'm finding that popup windows are either all-black or covered in technicolor. There is also a lot of lag on most page switches. That being said, great progress.

Game is shutting down a fair bit, with error code:
Last login.txt

MTGO loads and appears to be working properly, but crashes after only a few actions.


 Operating System: Ubuntu 19.10
 Kernel: Linux 5.3.0-42-generic
 Architecture: x86-64
./run-mtgo --update panard/mtgo:pr73
winetricks quartz

Error log:
I did not run with the --debug flag but this was the console session when running MTGO

When I input this:

./run-mtgo --reset --update panard/mtgo:pr73 --shell

I got:
No such file or directory

Pretty sure this is unrelated to the real issue, but might someone tell me the reason for this?
Much thanks.

How do you use docker and what's the difference?

For those having managed to start MTGO but with crashes, can you try the following (copy paste to be sure), witthout doing any reset:

./run-mtgo --shell
cfg=$(find .wine/host/ -name user.config )
cat > "$cfg" <<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <setting name="PlayStartupSound" serializeAs="String">
find .wine/host -name Audio -type d -exec mv -v {} {}.old \;

regarding black windows, it seems to related to #17
@Rango77 try chmod +x run-mtgo

Hi Loรฏc,

I ran the code you pasted, and still got a crash. Error log is attached. Thanks again for helping out!
Last login.txt

Whoops, after the crash message some more stuff went into the error log. Updated error log attached below this.
Last login2.txt

For those having managed to start MTGO but with crashes, can you try the following (copy paste to be sure), witthout doing any reset:

./run-mtgo --shell
cfg=$(find .wine/host/ -name user.config )
cat > "$cfg" <<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <setting name="PlayStartupSound" serializeAs="String">
find .wine/host -name Audio -type d -exec mv -v {} {}.old \;

regarding black windows, it seems to related to #17
@Rango77 try chmod +x run-mtgo

@pauleve I had success with this script. I'm guessing there is some local configuration within the docker container to help catch and ignore exceptions, and also some patching of this PlayStartupSound function to just not play at all?

Thanks for your hard work and maintenance here. I wish I knew anything at all about wine and .net

@somethingstranger try copy-pasting things in one by one, when you get to the lines that are like


you can paste that in as a group.

Iโ€™m looking at this log message with suspicion:

0043:err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
0043:err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80040154 for dll L"mscoree.dll"

Some cursory googling that this might be a winbind problem. Wondering if this is a root of some crash

@somethingstranger try copy-pasting things in one by one, when you get to the lines that are like


you can paste that in as a group.

Hey @kylesnowschwartz, thanks for the advice. Just to make sure I'm doing everything right, I open Terminal and copy in the first line from Loรฏc's suggestion: "./run-mtgo --shell" and enter it. That turns out some text that ends with "wine@docker-desktop:~$ ", and I input the second line following that. I continue doing this, pasting as you suggested. Nothing ends up running for me, though. And if I copy it all in at once, it runs, but crashes when I open limited.

Here's an image of the terminal that will hopefully help you identify my stupidity.
Screen Shot 2020-03-27 at 10 54 58 PM

@somethingstranger it is essential that cat > "$cfg" <<EOF is on one line

@kylesnowschwartz I realized I split up one of the lines, reentered everything, and was able to open the client. However, still got a crash inside limited.

last login 3.txt

When it crashes, I think this is the line that starts it: "008e:err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"Application: MTGO.exenFramework Version: v4.0.30319nDescription: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.nException Info: exception code c0000005, exception address F4C2D8D6n"
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address 0xf4c2d8d6 (thread 008e), starting debugger..." because MTGO will run for a while perfectly fine before quitting at some stage. In fact, I think it's doing a vintage draft for me right now since it keeps quitting :p really appreciate everyone who has been helping out on this.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll try to integrate the script in a generic way. The good thing is that it may remove the need for the wine patch which would be easier for macOS users.

@somethingstranger I'll try to do more games here to try to reproduce this..

For those having managed to start MTGO but with crashes, can you try the following (copy paste to be sure), witthout doing any reset:

./run-mtgo --shell
cfg=$(find .wine/host/ -name user.config )
cat > "$cfg" <<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <setting name="PlayStartupSound" serializeAs="String">
find .wine/host -name Audio -type d -exec mv -v {} {}.old \;

regarding black windows, it seems to related to #17
@Rango77 try chmod +x run-mtgo

When I run the first part of this script (right after the second EOF) I get bash: : No such file or directory

Yes, Uzay-G I'm having the same problems, to which pauleve offered me to try

chmod +x run-mtgo

I still get the same error message though.

Here is a first attempt of script to disable startup sound (only when not using Docker!), which maybe works on macOS as well (after having following the instructions at, and does not require patching wine.

curl -fOL

It is integrated in the Docker image, so you just have to run

./run-mtgo --update

I'm still experiencing crashes at EULA stage (the same as @somethingstranger ) depending on the configuration, I'm trying to figure out what is happening...

I think I have the same EULA crash. Here is my log if it is helful: run_mtgo_log.txt

Thanks. Yes it is the same crash. I'll investigate a bit further, in the worst case I'll bypass the EULA validation..

@Rango77 please copy and paste everything from the run-mtgo command

Tried that, same thing.

./run-mtgo --reset --update panard/mtgo:pr73 --shell
-bash: ./run-mtgo: No such file or directory

Same message with chmod +x run-mtgo

Thank you for the help.

@Rango77 please follow carefully the README

curl -o run-mtgo
chmod +x run-mtgo

I attempted to follow the instructions to use it through the docker (I'm on macOS so was just using wine) It told me I needed to input my password to continue but wouldn't allow me to put it in.

@newfiepro can you try again without docker and using the two commands I put above in #79 (comment) (with

@newfiepro if your password doesn't show up, it's still seeing your typing it, just not putting it on screen. just type out the full password and press enter.

@pauleve anything I can do to help with the EULA error?


When running MTGO using the docker container, the game crashes when attempting to play cards, or when starting a match


I ran the recent
./run-mtgo --update command to grab the latest image, which I believe has the sound disabling patch integrated. I also attempted to run in the shell and copy the paste the EOF manually, and also in combintation of running winetricks quartz in the shell. All result in the application crashing.

This was after some success playing several matches last night, so I'm unsure how to account for the change in stability.

I've attached the --debug error log


I went through the README. Everything seemed to work until I reached

chmod +x run-mtgo

When I pressed enter, the terminal just just skipped a line and wouldn't run anything.

@kylesnowschwartz I have the same experience now.. it crashes whenever it should be a sound..

@Rango77 please open a separate issue, and paste the output of all the commands, including curl

Will do.

@kylesnowschwartz funnily enough, I'm no longer experiencing the crash when doing the following:

./run-mtgo --shell
winedbg /opt/mtgo/mtgo.exe

then press c.

Do you confim?

so close

Unfortunately I performed a --reset as part of my trial and erroring, and now I'm blocked behind the EULA crash.

Ok.. I seem to have much less crash probability with ./run-mtgo panard/mtgo:pr73, but it is really random..

Ok.. I seem to have much less crash probability with ./run-mtgo panard/mtgo:pr73, but it is really random..

Yes this unblocks the EULA crash!

And we're off and away playing well using ./run-mtgo panard/mtgo:pr73 not even using the shell or any of the other tricks

Still experiencing it from time to time with this image.. we're not done apparently :'(

Has anyone gotten everything to work with no issues? If so, what did you do?

I'm having no issue so far using wine outside of docker, with the latest wine for Ubuntu, the appropriate winetricks, and the script I mentioned above to disable startup sound. Will give more try later..

According to feedback in the script seems to work on macOS (without Docker).
I've updated the instructions at ; it is rather equivalent for linux, except the wine installation part.

Time to close this bug:

curl -fOL

If you have an error with the above script, please open a new issue.

For those experiencing the crash, let's move to #83

Apparently I found a workaround for the crashes, see #83 and keep me in touch there.

pauleve, thank you so much for your help with this!

I downloaded and installed Wine 5.6 for my Mac laptop, based on your notes here. I'm running Mac OS Mojave, version 10.14.6. When I open Wine Staging 5.6 and execute the line:

wine mtgo.exe

from the prompt, the wine-preloader just takes me to a Wine Internet Explorer showing the URL:

Screenshot attached of what I see:

Screen Shot 2020-04-16 at 12 37 11 AM

Have I missed a step somewhere? Thank you again so much for all of the work you've done to help us figure this out!


Please follow carefully the instructions at; and open a separate issue if you still have one.