
MTGO freezes with "Too many open files" message in terminal

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A few seconds after logging in, the MTGO client always freezes with the last message in the terminal window as follows:

0067:err:winediag:FILE_CreateFile Too many open files, ulimit -n probably needs to be increased

Try doing ulimit -n 4096 and start again the client.
What is your operating system? Are you using the ./run-mtgo script (Docker), or direct wine installation?

I'm using the Docker installation, on Fedora 32.

If I run-mtgo --shell and then try the ulimit command, I get "cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted". I assume I need the root password for the OS inside the container.

Well, I've solved the problem. There's a default-ulimit setting in /etc/sysconfig/docker, which I changed from 1024 to 8192, and now MTGO works. Apparently Fedora recently added this setting to their packaging of docker.

Thanks for the tip. The uname command could probably have been executed before the run-mtgo command (outside docker) . But changing the default is indeed a more persistent solution.

Containers have their own ulimit variables that are separate from the host OS. Red Hat recently set the default open file limit inside containers to 1024 to fix this issue (apt-get thrashing)