
How to query beans (aka where statements)?

igorgatis opened this issue · 5 comments

Documentation says there are several ways of loading beans. I could only find 2: loadBean and getAllBeans.

How do I query beans?

d-led commented

Please see the last comment in #23. If I'm not mistaken, there are no other query api at the moment.

I've submitted a pull request (#29) to that allows the following:

class ScandyHiberliteDatabase : public hiberlite::Database {
  ScandyHiberliteDatabase() : hiberlite::Database() {}

  // we need to be able to specify constraints
  template<class T>
  std::vector<hiberlite::sqlid_t> getBeanIds(std::string where = "", std::string order = "") {
    return dbSelectIds(con, getClassName<T>(), where, order);

  // we need to execute raw sql to add column constraints
  void dbExecQuery(std::string query) {

  // get underlying sqlite error messages
  std::string getErrorMsg() {
    return std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(con->getSQLite3Ptr()));
d-led commented

merged #29

It lacks a basic check on input, it is very unsafe and can lead to DB errors.
I suggest to restrict user input to a single search condition.

template<class C>
std::vector<sqlid_t> Database::getBeanIds(std::string column, std::string value, std::string order)
    std::string sqlQuery = "";
    if(column.size() > 0 && value.size() > 0)
        sqlQuery = column + " = '" + value + "'";
    return dbSelectIds(con, getClassName<C>(), sqlQuery, order);

Note the code above and the code you posted don't exist in the repository - only the changes that allowed the code above were merged. Its up to the app developer to handle parameter sanitization if even necessary (this is C++ not a web scripting language).