
Windows cmd installation instructions do not work

SteveALee opened this issue · 2 comments

The readme says

Windows with cmd terminal
Save the git-open script in any place accessible via your %PATH% environment var.

but that doesn't work. Why would it as the git-open script uses !# which does not work on cmd. It no doubt does work in WSL. Unless git should find it and handle it? I plonked mine in c:\windows\system32, naughty by it should work there AFAIK

However npm I -g git-open installs it just fine.

Sadly though, using nvm-windows loses global installs when you switch versions ;(

If you use nvm you'll need to install it with every version (just the way nvm works really) unless you have a global version. When you install with npm what does the file look like? It'll install it to somewhere in nvm for you, does it alter it in any way? What's the error exactly?

Setting follow link: which posted below:

function git-open { cmd /c "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\bash.exe" "~/Documents/Scripts/" }
Set-Alias -Name gop -Value git-open

not work, either.

When run gop after setting no response happend.