
Types: Property 'ready' does not exist on type 'typeof YT'.

bsastregx opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello. Thanks for this custom element.
I am adapting the javacript code to a lit component that uses typescript.
I have installed @types/youtube , and I am getting the following error:

Property 'ready' does not exist on type 'typeof YT'.

The error arises from this fragment:

  fetchYTPlayerApi() {
    if (window.YT || (window.YT && window.YT.Player)) return;

    this.ytApiPromise = new Promise((res, rej) => {
      const el = document.createElement('script');
      el.src = '';
      el.async = true;
      el.onload = (_) => {
      el.onerror = rej;

I have looked up on the youtube type definition, and in fact, I don't find ready:

Is maybe your code outdated?
Thanks in advance.

Hmm interesting. Yeah i can't find a reference to this method in the official documentation:

It looks like we want to use this onYouTubeIframeAPIReady global instead.

Ah.. okay we have the iframe_api script (just a loader). and then the widgetapi script that it loads.

When the widgetapi script loads and finishes its initial evaluation it has these lines:


First it calls back to yt_api and says "we're ready". That ends up calling any callbacks registered on YT.ready().

Right after that it calls the onYouTubeIframeAPIReady global if its defined.

(Note: flip needsYTApiForAutoplay to true to debug this on desktop)

The nice thing is that our current method plays well with having multiple embeds together on 1 page. A global complicates that.

But the downside is .. its using undocumented APIs.

Hmm... something to consider.