
It will freeze in Python3 (Proved to be the problem of WinPython)

Opened this issue · 5 comments

ctluo commented

It will freeze in Python 3. I suggest labeling the project Python 2.

Pretty sure it runs well in both Python 2 and 3. What error do you get?

ctluo commented

Thanks for your reply.

I tested it again. It does work well. It passes the tests on all my Linux PCs.
The problem is WinPython. It just gets stuck, and no response.

Well, not sure if many people use WinPython..

Seems to be a problem with me too. The test code in README seems to get stuck.
It gets stuck after line 99

with executor() as e:
            points[batch*i:batch*(i+1), -1] = list(,
                                                         list(map(cubetobox, points[batch*i:batch*(i+1), 0:-1]))))

Dumb me, multiprocessor pool and iphython does not gell well.

It also gets stuck in windows version of Anaconda Python 3.x.