
ATAK 4.9

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Is there an apk coming that is comparable with atak 4.9 ?

Thanks so much

Support for 4.9.x will come in the next month or so, after which the plugin won't support earlier versions anymore.

If I wanted to give this a try myself, is it just a matter of compiling against the 4.9 SDK? Or do you expect there is more to it than that?

Hello! Do you have any ETA for now?

Tahkis commented

Could we have a compiled version of Forwarder 2.0.7 for ATAK 4.8.1? Currently the latest release only supports up to ATAK 4.7. Or was there some particular reason why the 4.8.1 release of 2.0.7 does not exist?

Btw, when do you think you would be able to get the Forwarder 2.0.8 supporting ATAK 4.9 out? Will that also support ATAK 4.8.1 then?

@Tahkis I think you missed the part from the 2.0.7 release note

For now the plugin will not support ATAK versions after 4.7.0.x. The plugin API changed in 4.9.x and I don't 
want to maintain two versions of the plugin codebase for now, so likely we will migrate to the new plugin API 
in the next month or so. There is also an issue in later versions where the plugin cannot connect to the 
Meshtastic service that I need to sort out before supporting those versions.

I know people love this project, but have some patience

Tahkis commented

Not asking for an eta. just curious if this is still being worked on or 4.10 now that is has been released. Thank you!