
Support EIP-712

Closed this issue · 5 comments

EIP-712 Typed structured data hashing and signing (eth_signTypedData_v4) is required to perform token swap on pancakeswap.

Existing implementation using @noble/hashes

How popular is EIP-712? Have you analyzed this?

EIP-712 is used in all token swaps on pancakeswap and uniswap. Some documentation:

I think other decentralized exchanges use this mechanism too.

Soon we will have our own usage statistics.

EIP-712 has become the de facto standard for Typed Data Signing in Ethereum and EVM systems. This would definitely be a good addition to this package.

Ethers.js provides a good EIP-712 implementation but I was required to roll my own implementation of it for a private project using only noble cryptography packages without any dependency on ethers. It's essentially a drop-in replacement for the TypedDataEncoder class provided by ethers.

Given that there is agreement in supporting EIP-712 here, I'd be happy to re-purpose my implementation and raise a PR with it.

cc: @paulmillr