
Library shows "new episodes" icon (plus sign) when show is empty

Closed this issue · 4 comments

From time to time I delete seasons from certain TV shows that I don't mind loosing in order to free up some space. I noticed that when there are no more seasons around. Delete all seasons, clean library (but keep the main show folder + fanart) then it looks like there are new eps for that show in the library.

Is this happening on the master branch, (frodo nightlies), on the eden branch, or on 0.83.1 version?
Latest nightly does not offer the option to show overlays on unwatched or on progress episodes, only on watched ones.
I removed the option in order to avoid confusion. I might re-add it along the road depending on the feedback.

It was happening on Eden branch, I'm now on Frodo.
I really hope you'll re-add it then Paul, I really loved the option to show unwatched!

Don't worry. I will eventually re-add the show unwatched option.
