
Use Ikea 5 button remote to change Nanoleaf scenes

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hey there,

Thanks for looking at this for me, appreciate it :)

So I want to be able to use the two arrow keys on the 5 button ikea remote as forward and back for nanoleaf scenes.

Let me know what information I can provide to you?


Can you let me know what device handler you are using for the Nanoleaf and what version of Smarthings Android app new or classic? Thanks

Hey Paul,

Nanoleaf DH:
And im using both versions of the app, and the IDE to add these custom DH.

You can see the convo I've had with Melinda here

Let me know if there is more information you need?

Thanks again mate :)

So just an update, I have those next/ previous buttons working for the Nanoleaf device hander working now. I just need a way to map them to the left right buttons.

If I look though her code, she has a funtion for;

	command "previousScene"
	command "nextScene"

Is there anyway to add an advanced setting to ABC where you can specify functions from another DH? Does that work?

Hey mate,

Sorry to push, any ideas?


def capTrack='capability.musicPlayer'
should also support 'capability.mediaTrackControl', not for sonos only

also, it would be nice to have the support of

capability "Media Presets"
to be able to select presets directly