
Multiple instances of fancyselect not showing up in POST data.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Ok I accidentally closed my other ticket, so here is the JS I was using:

$(document).ready(function() {



Then my html was as follows:

screenshot from 2014-02-08 23 17 48

menu shows up in my POST/GET data, #menu2 does not. Am I just missing something really stupid (probably - im quite rusty these days)....

thanks for the quick response!

Looks like you're closing on line 21, which is before you close the form you start inside of it. If I had to take a wild guess, it would be that the browser is reformatting that invalid HTML into two forms, so only one is actually getting submitted. Try making sure your HTML is valid and give it another shot.

Thanks for the advice! That was it! I moved the

and up and down a few lines and boom! problem solved. Thanks!

Great, glad I could help.