
Disable defunct WLAN schedule `not found`

mrMoe opened this issue · 4 comments

mrMoe commented


during importing my current config into terraform I played around with the WLAN schedule function since one of my networks has a schedule to be disabled in the night.

The enabling of the schedule in terraform was no problem

resource "unifi_wlan" "temp" {
  name         = "temp"
  l2_isolation = true
  no2ghz_oui   = false
  passphrase   = "password"
  pmf_mode     = "optional"
  security     = "wpapsk"
  uapsd        = false
  wlan_band    = "both"

  network_id    =
  ap_group_ids  = []
  user_group_id =

  schedule {
    day_of_week = "mon"
    block_start = "08:00"
    block_end   = "20:00"

but it didn't activate in the UI.
And if I add a schedule to the temp WLAN in the UnifiController then terraform does not recognize the resource has changed in any way.

Thus I removed the schedule from the temp WLAN but now I get

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # unifi_wlan.temp will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "unifi_wlan" "temp" {
        id                        = "123456789"
        name                      = "temp"
        # (21 unchanged attributes hidden)

      - schedule {
          - block_end   = "20:00" -> null
          - block_start = "8:00" -> null
          - day_of_week = "mon" -> null

Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
unifi_wlan.temp: Modifying... [id=123456789]
│ Error: not found
│   with unifi_wlan.temp,
│   on line 108, in resource "unifi_wlan" "temp":
│  108: resource "unifi_wlan" "temp" { 

So it seems I can't remove the schedule anymore.

Another thing I noticed looking at the API requests that there are two different fields schedule and schedule_with_duration. The schedule has the terraform values but does not work and the schedule_with_duration has the values set in the Controller and work but are not available in terraform. It seems, there is a field and type missmatch in the library.

    "_id": "1234",
    "ap_group_ids": [
    "setting_preference": "manual",
    "name": "temp",
    "networkconf_id": "1234",
    "x_passphrase": "password",
    "site_id": "1234",
    "bss_transition": false,
    "dtim_mode": "default",
    "dtim_6e": 3,
    "dtim_na": 3,
    "dtim_ng": 1,
    "enabled": true,
    "fast_roaming_enabled": false,
    "group_rekey": 3600,
    "hide_ssid": false,
    "is_guest": false,
    "l2_isolation": true,
    "b_supported": false,
    "mac_filter_enabled": false,
    "mac_filter_list": [],
    "mac_filter_policy": "deny",
    "mcastenhance_enabled": false,
    "minrate_setting_preference": "auto",
    "minrate_na_enabled": false,
    "minrate_na_advertising_rates": false,
    "minrate_na_data_rate_kbps": 6000,
    "minrate_ng_enabled": false,
    "minrate_ng_advertising_rates": false,
    "minrate_ng_data_rate_kbps": 1000,
    "no2ghz_oui": false,
    "wpa_enc": "ccmp",
    "pmf_mode": "optional",
    "proxy_arp": false,
    "radius_das_enabled": false,
    "radius_mac_auth_enabled": false,
    "radius_macacl_format": "none_lower",
    "security": "wpapsk",
    "uapsd_enabled": false,
    "wlan_bands": [
    "wpa3_enhanced_192": false,
    "wpa3_fast_roaming": false,
    "wpa3_support": false,
    "wpa3_transition": false,
    "wpa_mode": "wpa2",
    "usergroup_id": "1234",
    "iapp_enabled": false,
    "x_iapp_key": "1234",
    "wlan_band": "both",
    "bc_filter_list": [],
    "sae_groups": [],
    "sae_psk": [],
    "schedule": [
    "schedule_with_duration": [
            "name": "good night",
            "start_days_of_week": [
            "start_hour": 23,
            "start_minute": 0,
            "duration_minutes": 480
    "name_combine_enabled": true,
    "p2p": false,
    "p2p_cross_connect": false,
    "radius_macacl_empty_password": false,
    "rrm_enabled": false,
    "tdls_prohibit": false,
    "vlan_enabled": false,
    "auth_cache": false,
    "bc_filter_enabled": false,
    "country_beacon": false,
    "dpi_enabled": false,
    "element_adopt": false,
    "dpigroup_id": "",
    "hotspot2conf_enabled": false,
    "hotspot2conf_id": "",
    "optimize_iot_wifi_connectivity": false,
    "radius_filter_id_enabled": false,
    "radiusprofile_id": "",
    "sae_psk_vlan_required": false,
    "schedule_enabled": false,
    "schedule_reversed": false

As controller I use the docker container from jacobalberty/unifi in version 7.1.66.

Hope you can help to sort this one out

The WLAN schedule support dates back to v5 of the controller so not surprising that they have introduced some new UI features and API types now, it probably needs to be updated to use that new API field you noticed. I'll see about poking around with this over the weekend and see what I can find.

#284 has an initial implementation. The tests seem to work and it handles deletions as well (I added a test for that). It is breaking unfortunately to support the new API field format so just thinking about it a bit more prior to merging it.

mrMoe commented

Hi Paul. Thanks for your support! I can confirm the change set the schedule of the wlan and after a refresh of the page I find the schedule_with_duration in the wlanconf response of the webserver but the UI does not show the schedule. So it seems, that something is still missing.

Hmm ok let me investigate further, I'll reopen this for now.