
Disable defunct WAN QoS results in `not found`

mrMoe opened this issue · 0 comments

mrMoe commented


during importing my current config into terraform I played around with the WAN QoS.

I could set the wan_egress_qos but it didn't activate in the UI.

resource "unifi_network" "wan" {
  name             = "Default (WAN1)"
  purpose          = "wan"
  dhcp_lease       = 0
  wan_dns          = ["", "", ]
  wan_egress_qos   = 1
  wan_networkgroup = "WAN"
  wan_type         = "dhcp"

Trying to remove it resulted in a not found error.

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # unifi_network.wan will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "unifi_network" "wan" {
        id                  = "1234"
        name                = "Default (WAN1)"
      ~ wan_egress_qos      = 1 -> 0
        # (15 unchanged attributes hidden)

Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
unifi_network.wan: Modifying... [id=1234]
│ Error: not found
│   with unifi_network.wan,
│   on line 20, in resource "unifi_network" "wan":
│   20: resource "unifi_network" "wan" {

So it seems I can't remove the QoS anymore.

As controller I use the docker container from jacobalberty/unifi in version 7.1.66.

Hope you can help to sort this one out.

best regards