opened email
chebyte opened this issue · 4 comments
hi guys I have a question after taht I added open_tracking true in my notifier model how can I know if the email was opened?
you will be able to see it in the SendGrid Email Activity section. As for today, the link should be
You can get more info at:
yeap I configured my url in event listener and I added these options to my email method
open_tracking true
uniq_args({:key => "somekey"})
but when I open the email nothing happens
this gem works fine on rails 3.2 ?
Gem adds X-SMTAPI header section, as described at
You may check that the value for X-SMTAPI key is proper JSON. We currently use it on Rails 3.1 version, and it works fine. Did not test it on 3.2
Good luck.
yeap you are right is working perfect on rails 3.2