
What's the correct way to install test dependencies locally?

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If I add a module such as requests to a project via pdm add, what is the proper way to ensure it gets added to all the versions of python when running make tests? I see in the GH workflow how it's being done, but not when developing locally.

Is this something pdm should do, pytest, or some other process?

That's a good question, it should be clarified in the docs. After having added a dependency with pdm add, you can simply run make setup again to synchronize dependencies for all the selected Python versions.

Thanks for the reply, that did the trick. I'm used to using nox where a step in the test commands would update the venv's for the different python versions. pdm add foo && make setup just as easy.

At some point I considered adding wrappers to PDM commands like make add, make remove, etc.
I can reconsider 🙂