
No License

znd4 opened this issue · 3 comments

znd4 commented

Sorry if I missed an existing option.

I feel like a bad person asking for this, but would you be up for a PR that adds an option to not include a License for internal projects? I'm guessing I can delete the license file + license line in pyproject.toml, but I'm worried about that upsetting copier (this is my first time picking up copier)

Don't worry haha, I totally understand 😄 Lots of companies do not have the need for licenses since their projects stay "in-house". I don't think it's a problem for Copier if you simply delete the file and line, but I do think that, after generating the project the first time, you should add the LICENSE file to git, commit it, and then delete it. Same for the license line in pyproject.toml. If you never track it with git, upon updates Copier will regenerate it I think, whereas if Copier can see that you "git removed" it, it won't regenerate it each time you copier update. Does it make sense to you? @yajo (sorry to bring you in) could you confirm this behavior?

yajo commented

Yes, that's how it should work.

And Copier won't sue you. 🤣

Closing, feel free to continue the discussion though 🙂