Simple command line task management app. Implemented in Goland and uses JSON file as a simple database.
- Add, Update, and Delete tasks
- Mark a task as in progress or done
- List all tasks
- List all tasks that are done
- List all tasks that are not done
- List all tasks that are in progress
- Ensure you have Golang installed
- Clone repository:
git clone
- Navigate to project
cd task-tracker
- Build the application
go build task-tracker
it will return id of added task
./task-tracker add "Buy groceries"
update task by id number (you can check it using list command)
./task-tracker update 1 "Clean room"
delete task by its id number
./task-tracker delete 1
./task-tracker mark-done 1
./task-tracker mark-in-progress 1
./task-tracker mark-todo 1
./task-tracker list
./task-tracker list todo
./task-tracker list in-progress
./task-tracker list done
project challenge task-tracker by