
arm-none-eabi-linaro build fails with "no usable PPL"

Opened this issue · 3 comments

... despite having PPL installed.

OK, I've started digging into this, and the issue stems from an updated PPL (Homebrew/legacy-homebrew@ba1e801). I've fixed that part, but there seems to be some issues with CLooG being bumped to version 0.17 (Homebrew/legacy-homebrew@b4e13a2). I'm working on these issues on the issues_1_2 branch. In the mean time, the arm-eabi-cs formula should work (haven't tested it recently) as it includes its own copies of PPL and CLooG. The downside with using the CodeSourcery stuff being that it's a bit older than Linaro's.

Just ran into this as well. Hoping for a fix. I'll try the arm-eabi-cs formula now. Cheers!

Depending on your intended target, you might want to try PX4/gcc-arm-none-eabi, as it's based off the ARM-maintained branch.