- 2
Bug Report: Payara Server doesn't apply jvm parameters from pre-boot commands during first start
#7109 opened by kuhtini - 2
RHEL: Failed to load native library jlinenative
#7112 opened by hink084 - 2
Bug Report: /metrics - invalid prometheus format (HELP duplicates)/FISH-8522
#6596 opened by rafi0101 - 6
- 7
Enhancement: Allow for the configuration of Hazelcast cluster to be done via Environment Variables
#7091 opened by CarlosMOGoncalves - 8
Bug Report: Seems Payara Micro 6.2024.6 (but not Server) is broken (to be investigated where exactly) comparing to Payara Micro 6.2024.5/FISH-9110
#6779 opened by AndrewG10i - 5
- 3
Bug Report: ClassLoader leak when Timer Service is used
#7078 opened by lprimak - 2
Bug Report: Memory leak when using Jersey client
#7054 opened by albanf - 1
Bug Report: Please update mojarra version / FISH-9992
#7025 opened by mnyakushev - 2
- 3
Enhancement: Update Hazelcast to latest (5.4.x)
#6773 opened by lprimak - 3
Bug Report: EAR application deployment with CDI fails
#7031 opened by lprimak - 1
- 9
- 10
- 2
- 1
Bug Report: Two EJB Instances Without Extended Persistence Contexts Leading to Transaction Exception
#6983 opened by tiagomistral - 4
- 2
Can one of the admins verify this patch?
#6999 opened by kingjay66 - 4
- 5
Bug Report: JAX-RS Remapping of wrapped exceptions using a custom mapper not working anymore/ FISH-9727
#6828 opened by elcodedocle - 7
- 2
Bug Report: Incorrect payara instance status
#6912 opened by peterpz1 - 1
Bug Report: Server shutdown causes unexpected exceptions from monitoring module/FISH-9222
#6879 opened by lprimak - 1
- 19
[Regression] New HTTP/2 Warnings
#6587 opened by lprimak - 1
Bug Report: Payara 6 won't allow EJB Jakarta REST endpoints protected by @RolesAllowed using MP JWT spec/FISH-9072
#6819 opened by CarlosMOGoncalves - 3
Bug Report: SecurityException with signed jars after upgrading from Payara 5 to Payara 6.2024.5
#6776 opened by garychan21 - 5
Bug Report: Payara Micro v6.2024.6 Reporting as v6.2024.5
#6766 opened by mzaum - 1
- 1
Bug Report:
#6752 opened by stbischof - 1
Bug Report: Support for GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL certificate missing in bundled cacerts.p12/FISH-8918
#6737 opened by radarminnet - 3
- 1
Bug Report: asadmin --help fails/ FISH-8437
#6592 opened by mkarg - 1
Bug Report: Regression results in dangling ContainerBackgroundSessionProcessor threads
#6747 opened by lprimak - 5
- 4
Bug Report: CacheFactory does not create a LRUCacheImpl from @DataSourceDefinition propertiy fish.payara.statement-cache-type
#6647 opened by franzmathauser - 1
Bug Report: Application deployment takes 1,5x as long and uses 1,5x the ram after deployment
#6731 opened by RInverid - 7
Bug Report: Fails to deploy CAR module
#6591 opened by mkarg - 3
Enhancement: Respect X-Forwarded-Proto header in OpenIdAuthenticationMechanism
#6653 opened by kapinyajudit - 2
- 2
- 3
Bug Report: Discrepancy of JTI claim between code and spec
#6639 opened by tdevfeeds - 1
Enhancement: Upgrade to Weld 5.1.x
#6590 opened by tandraschko - 2
Bug Report: Docker container doesn't start anymore in case of JVM option with spaces in value
#6638 opened by jaylemur - 9
allowLinking does not work
#6573 opened by tronicek - 5
Using new eclipselink version 4.0.2
#6568 opened by DirkMunder - 2
- 0