Bug Report: Payara Tools 2.3.0 with Eclipse 2023-06 after deploying an EAR the application cannot be reached (HTTP 404 error) / FISH-7720
Opened this issue · 7 comments
Brief Summary
After deploying an EAR within Eclipse 2023-06 and Payara Tools 2.3.0 with Payara Server Community 5.2022.5 (JDK Eclipse Temurin jdk- we have an 404 error whereas the EAR was successfully deployed.
If the EAR is manually deployed using Payara web admin interface (http://localhost:4848), the application is deployed and can be reached with a browser using the URL: http://localhost:8080/web-application/hello
Maven project example used to reproduce this bug: https://github.com/mrts/local-ejb-injection
Expected Outcome
When navigating to the application URL http://localhost:8080/web-application/hello with a browser the following message is displayed:
HelloService says: hello!
Current Outcome
HTTP 404 error
- Create a Payara Server (Payara 5.2022.5)
- Import in Eclipse the Maven project: http://localhost:8080/web-application/hello
- Right click on the Parent projet > "Run as" > Maven project
- Define Maven correct Goals (example: clean install)
- Clicks on button "Run"
- After building, Refresh (F5) on the Parent Project
- Right click on Maven resource "application-ear" > "Run on Server" > Choose the Payara server
- Click on "Next"
- Click on "Finish"
Operating System
Windows 11
JDK Version
Eclipse Temurin JDK jdk-
Ecosystem Tool
Eclipse IDE Plugin
Greetings @angoinetum ,
Payara Platform 5 Community support has ended, please migrate your environment to Payara Platform 6 and verify if this issue affects its current release.
If you encounter any issues or have trouble transforming your applications and migrating them to Payara Platform 6 and if you want to remain on Payara Platform 5, you may consider acquiring a Payara Enterprise subscription.
Best Regards,
I used Eclipse Transformer in command line to migrate the Maven project example (in order to use JakartaEE 10), and I reproduced the same bug when deploying the EAR with Payara Tools Eclipse plugin 2.3.0 and Payara Server Full Profile Community 6.2023.7
I have HTTP 404 error when accessing the URL http://localhost:8080/web-application/hello
After deploying manually the EAR using the web admin interface (http://localhost:4848), when accessing the URL http://localhost:8080/web-application/hello I have the correct content displayed: HelloService says: hello!
Hi @angoinetum,
I was able to reproduce the error you have been facing and have escalated this to the platform development team as FISH-7720
Thank you,
Hi @angoinetum,
After thorough investigation was made by our engineers, the following observations were made:
- Deploying the EAR from the command line resulted in the endpoint working correctly.
- However, deploying the exploded EAR from the command line led to the endpoint not working as expected.
- Similarly, deploying the exploded EAR from the (Eclipse & NetBeans) IDE also resulted in the endpoint not functioning properly.
However, it was revealed that the issue stemmed from a package misconfiguration in the file 'HelloServiceImpl.java' located at 'local-ejb-injection-master\service-ejb-impl\src\main\java\ee\mrts\service'. The package was corrected from 'ee.mrts.servlet' to 'ee.mrts.service'. This fix resolved the deployment issues encountered in all the aforementioned scenarios.
Would you please confirm if changing the package to 'ee.mrts.service' has fixed the issue on your end as well?
Thank you,
Hi @Elifzeynepedman,
I do not have this package misconfiguration in my source files.
I have just published my Git repository corresponding that I used to reproduce my reported bug in Github : https://github.com/angoinetum/local-ejb-injection-jakarataee
Best regards.
Hi @angoinetum,
Could you please upgrade the located application-ear/pom.xml to version 3.3.0.
Upgrading the maven-ear-plugin resolves the issue you are facing.
Thank you,
Hi @Elifzeynepedman,
Sorry but after upgrading the maven-war-plugin to version 3.3.0 and to the latest version 3.4.0, I have the same bug.
I reproduced the bug with the latest Eclipse JEE 2023-12, Payara Tools version 2.3.0, Payara Full Server 6.2023.12, using OpenJDK Eclipse Temurin Hotspot 11.0.21+9.
I recorded a video that reproduces the bug: https://www.grosfichiers.com/QhPnsBPbNPC
(The link to the video is still available)