
Using restricted keys

silveltman opened this issue · 2 comments

Would it be possible to use a key with specific permissions enabled?

I'm trying to set up payload multi-tenancy with e-commerce. Problem is setting a new key for each tenant.

An idea I'm exploring is storing the stripe api let in a field in the tenant doc in payload. Trying to add some security by restricting the key.

If this is completely inappropriate anyway, kindly let me know 😄

Hey @silveltman I think you're on the right track here. Security around your API keys is a big deal so you'd need to get it right. If your tenants don't change often, you could always just store them statically in your env as you go. But at a certain scale, this isn't quite sustainable. For this you could save them to your tenant as you suggested, then leverage Payload to fully restrict access and encrypt their values.

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