
Ionic Build: Invalid binary when sending to iTunes

dennerevaldt opened this issue · 4 comments

General information

  • SDK/Library version: 3.5.0
  • Environment: Sandbox
  • PayPal-Debug-ID values:
  • Platforms: Ionic(iOS)
  • Device OS Version and Device: iOS 9.x on iPhone 6

Issue description

I am using the plugin with latest ionic, i added it to the project with the command ionic cordova plugin add com.paypal.cordova.mobilesdk --variable CAMERA_USAGE_DESCRIPTION = "do something" however when i go up to itunes i get the message Invalid binary, and if remove the plugin and resubmit itunes it succeeds, what can it be?

bluk commented

Sorry for the late reply. For anyone that encounters this error, the iTunes Connect app should have emailed you with more details. Did you get an email and if there's a more specific error, we may be able to assist with that?

Close this issue due to inactivity.

I did not receive email @bluk

bluk commented

Unfortunately without more specific information, it is difficult to diagnose. Usually the email would say if for instance you need to have a different version number. If you are using for credit card scanning, I would verify the Info.plist has the correct NSCameraUsageDescription value set. See .

Note that the PayPal Mobile SDKs are deprecated so if you haven't done a release, you should look into PayPal Express Checkout with Braintree SDKs.