
Proguard causes NoSuchMethodException

Opened this issue · 5 comments

buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard.cfg'

Any way to setup proguard at least to bypass it?

I have tried:
-keep class com.paypal.** { *; }
with no luck at all, everything compiles right but every time I want to call a method from PPH_SDK it crashes with NoSuchMethodException, could you help me here, thank you

Hello @DowsingUK! Thank you for submitting this bug report.

Is the ask to add pro guard to the SDK artefact?

Would be great if you share some rules to compile using minifyEnabled true

@DowsingUK Can you also please share the whole stack trace of the crash here?

Well pretty much the stack it's telling there's NoSuchMethodException in just one line

Apologies, I lost track of this issue. We have created a ticket internally to track this issue. This thread will be updated once it is picked up for work.