
[Bug] Infinite loading screen on safari when setting up a subscription

craigharvi3 opened this issue ยท 2 comments

๐Ÿž Describe the Bug

I'm getting an infinite loading spinner using the createSubscription action in the paypal buttons js sdk
Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 23 16 41

[Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'document.getElementsByClassName("captchaRefresh")[0].addEventListener')
	render (ngrlCaptcha.min.js:1:13456)
	(anonymous function) (ngrlCaptcha.min.js:1:17100)
	notifyInterceptor (authchallenge.js:227)
	(anonymous function) (authchallenge.js:760)
	Global Code (authchallenge.js:762)
[Error] TypeError: "" cannot be parsed as a URL.
	getTargetOrigin (recaptcha_v3.html:67)
	sendMessageToParent (recaptcha_v3.html:117)
	(anonymous function) (recaptcha_v3.html:151)
[Error] Unable to post message to Recipient has origin

[Error] TypeError: "" cannot be parsed as a URL.
	getTargetOrigin (recaptcha_v3.html:67)
	(anonymous function) (recaptcha_v3.html:168)
[Error] Unable to post message to Recipient has origin

The error looks to only happen on iOS browsers and macOS safari. Chrome on macOS seems to work fine.

๐Ÿ”ฌ Minimal Reproduction

Include script in page:

<script src=""></script>

In react component, initialise button:

useEffect(() => {
        style: BUTTONS_STYLE,
        createSubscription: (data, actions) => {
          return actions.subscription.create({
            plan_id: PLAN_ID
        onApprove: data => {
          if (data && data.subscriptionID) {
            // do something
          } else {
            // alert error
        onError(err) {
          // alert error

On browsers mentioned above, error will occur.

๐Ÿ˜• Actual Behavior

Please see screenshot attached above, with error messages provided

๐Ÿค” Expected Behavior

The paypal window should finish loading and show the correct payment screen for setting up a subscription.

๐ŸŒ Environment

  • Node.js/npm: - v14.18.3 / 6.14.15
  • OS: - MacOS / iPhone
  • Browser: - Safari / iPhone Safair and iPhone Chrome

โž• Additional Context

Add any other context about the problem here.