
Is Seif dead?

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I don't see any new commits, presentations, website updates etc.

No, it is not dead.

Is there a roadmap or other information? A gitter chat perhaps?

I think it is done.

Not to be too much of a pain, but what is done? The protocol? The Node implementation? The Qt based browser extension/sandbox/runtime?

or is that "done" in it is as far as you want to take it?

For what it is worth, I think the ideas are spot on, but there hasn't been a way to help bring them to fruition, and I didn't want to build a competing implementation.

@wirelessben thanks for your feedback. I was so happy to learn about this project back in 2015 at the AngularU conference. Been checking back in since then and noticed commits have stopped to these repos and no other layer of seif has been started (at least publicly).

This is disheartening. I was rolling up my sleeves to get started with prototypes on seif-protocol. Any rationale for the ending of the project? Is there a security issue or philosophical issue discovered with the ideas presented in seif?

I was unable to find the funding to complete it.


Thank you taking the time to respond. I think it would be a long shot for the community to complete it, but I for one am interested in the undertaking.

@douglascrockford @shofetim
Me too, you can count on me as well ;-) on both node and java side.
I think this community could grow quickly.

With some cleanup (typescript based, RXJS, etc) I think the node/server layer of the system can prove to be an easy way for devs to spin up servers and start creating services. It would be prudent to port this over from Node to deno to have better runtime security from the start (although deno is early stages).

Trust management and GUI tech would be the last bit that needed. I don't think the browser plugin is as important. An app with something like QT (or better) is probably going to run faster than having it run inside chrome/firefox etc. Also, if it were to be running in the browser anyway, why not just use HTML as the UI layer? I remember HTML was ditched in design cause its not app-centric and its not secure. So why the browser plugin at all?