
Authentication failed. Check authentication header

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Issue: {message: Authentication failed. Check authentication header., code: 0, status: error}

Payment Type: Card Payment

Payment Body:
{pt_profile_id: 107706, pt_client_key: CMKMVG-M7QQ6T-KDD7KG-6QRBVT, pt_server_key: STJN6T9W9J-JGKDDTK6M2-MMZDDGBNMN, pt_screen_title: Pay with Card, pt_merchant_name: Feni Foodies, pt_amount: 100.0, pt_currency_code: EGP, pt_tokenise_type: merchantMandatory, pt_token_format: null, pt_token: null, pt_transaction_reference: null, pt_cart_id: 12433, pt_cart_description: My Product, pt_merchant_country_code: EG, pt_samsung_pay_token: null, pt_billing_details: {pt_name_billing: Ashek Elahe, pt_email_billing:, pt_phone_billing: +97311111111, pt_address_billing: Feni, Bangladesh, pt_country_billing: EG, pt_city_billing: dubai, pt_state_billing: dubai, pt_zip_billing: 12345}, pt_shipping_details: {pt_name_shipping: Ashek Elahe, pt_email_shipping:, pt_phone_shipping: +97311111111, pt_address_shipping: Feni, Bangladesh, pt_country_shipping: EG, pt_city_shipping: dubai, pt_state_shipping: dubai, pt_zip_shipping: 12345}, pt_language: null, pt_show_billing_info: true, pt_show_shipping_info: null, pt_force_validate_shipping: false, pt_ios_theme: {pt_ios_logo: /Users/ashek/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/CC8F8181-D3EF-4C82-900F-8DBED495E2A6/data/Containers/Data/Application/B2BEDAF6-8664-45C2-A0CB-2C3DF31782F2/Documents/logo.png, pt_ios_primary_color: null, pt_ios_primary_font_color: null, pt_ios_secondary_color: null, pt_ios_secondary_font_color: null, pt_ios_stroke_color: null, pt_ios_button_color: null, pt_ios_button_font_color: null, pt_ios_title_font_color: null, pt_ios_background_color: null, pt_ios_placeholder_color: null, pt_ios_primary_font: null, pt_ios_secondary_font: null, pt_ios_stroke_thinckness: null, pt_ios_inputs_corner_radius: null, pt_ios_button_font: null, pt_ios_title_font: null}, pt_merchant_id: null, pt_simplify_apple_pay_validation: null, pt_hide_card_scanner: null, pt_transaction_class: null, pt_transaction_type: null, pt_apms: aman, pt_link_billing_name: true}

Please, double check your currency code and country code

@KhaledAlramam Thank you for your response.
Can you please provide me a country code and currency code so that I can test?
I have used example code currency as EGP and country code as EG

Each profile has its own currency and country code associated with profile id, that could be found on paytabs merchant dashboard.


Now its okay with currency but it fails transaction:

flutter: ======> Response [false] : Error occurred
flutter: {isSuccess: false, paymentInfo: {paymentDescription: 4000 00## #### 0002, cardType: Credit, payment_method: Visa, expiryMonth: 12, cardScheme: Visa, expiryYear: 2025}, trace: PMNT0601.646991B9.000269E1, isPending: false, cartID: 12433, tranCurrency: JOD, isOnHold: false, transactionReference: TST2314101598899, merchantId: 52717, cartAmount: 100.000, isProcessed: true, isAuthorized: false, paymentResult: {responseCode: 202, transactionTime: 2023-05-21T03:36:26Z, responseMessage: Invalid card security code (CVV), responseStatus: E}, cartDescription: My Product, cartCurrency: JOD, profileId: 107706, billingDetails: {phone: +97311111111, city: Jordan, email:, countryCode: JO, zip: 12345, addressLine: Feni, Bangladesh, name: Ashek Elahe}, serviceId: 7, transactionType: Sale, tranTotal: 100.000}

The error says wrong cvv,
What cvv did you enter?

I have set CVV as 123 which is right CVV because I can see it in my test cards section.

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 13 Pro Max - 2023-05-21 at 14 54 36

Make sure the selected profile credentials are test profile


It is already in test mode
Screenshot 2023-05-21 at 3 10 13 PM

You can start a support ticket on the paytabs site, they will give you better assistance as they have access to your data