
Lacking documentation regarding payment link expiration

pkoivisto opened this issue · 2 comments

I encountered a case where a transaction we had opened had expired.
The documentation doesn't mention anything regarding expiration times for transactions, so one could be led to assume that they are open until a user has either paid or cancelled the relevant transaction.
Is there a single standard for when transactions are to be expired, or is this perhaps something a merchant can control?
Please document the policies for expiring transactions.

Additionally, here are some improvement ideas that would suit our needs as users of the Paytrail APIs:

  • allow for setting an explicit expiry time for transaction when first creating one
  • Paytrail could invoke the error callback specified for the transaction when a transaction is expired

Apparently closing a transaction will be done in about two weeks' time, according to discussion in #36. This does match our experience, but again would be good get this properly documented!

Thanks for the feedback @pkoivisto . The expiry time is indeed two weeks. We will add this to the documentation.