- 0
Add presentation with Pazuzu purpose
#40 opened by pgronkiewicz - 1
Add support for `test_spec.json` for Git storage
#96 opened by netme - 2
- 4
Implement Pazuzufile reader and writer
#68 opened by elgris - 1
[CLI] Implement `pazuzu build`
#112 opened by netme - 1
- 1
[Data Providers] Implement PostgreSQL Data Provider
#91 opened by netme - 3
Harmonize metadata definitions
#70 opened by stoewer - 4
Changing default git project
#107 opened by rdllopes - 1
[CLI] Implement `update` command
#89 opened by netme - 1
[Data Providers] Implement GitHub Data Provider
#90 opened by netme - 4
- 5
- 0
Consume features with resources
#39 opened by pgronkiewicz - 1
Implement "help" subcommands
#104 opened by jyun-zalando - 3
Create Pazuzufile Safe Way
#108 opened by netme - 4
Add default dockerfile snippets
#38 opened by pgronkiewicz - 1
Sort json from registry into logical blocks
#37 opened by pgronkiewicz - 1
Postgres user and dbname
#117 opened by olafmaurer - 1
Follow storage interface in pazuzu-registry client API
#98 opened by netme - 1
Add Dockerfile and Pazuzufile to .gitignore
#94 opened by netme - 1
[CLI] Make `build` Command Working
#88 opened by netme - 1
- 1
Leave documentation for the next team
#66 opened by elgris - 1
Implement pazuzu command line interface
#52 opened by elgris - 1
- 1
- 3
Define pazuzus' architecture
#49 opened by stoewer - 1
Create contributing guidelines
#41 opened by pgronkiewicz - 1
Recursively getting features
#114 opened by rdllopes - 2
[CLI] Update `pazuzu compose` CLI interface
#102 opened by netme - 0
Refactor "errors"-relateds
#105 opened by jyun-zalando - 3
Implement configuration of pazuzu
#69 opened by elgris - 0
[CLI] Implement `config` command
#93 opened by jyun-zalando - 1
- 5
Definition of the command line interface
#47 opened by stoewer - 2
Create a repository with sample Features
#53 opened by elgris - 0
Implement an in-memory StorageConnector
#65 opened by elgris - 1
Change signature of StorageReader.Resolve()
#73 opened by stoewer - 0
Git implementation for connector to datastore
#54 opened by stoewer - 1
CLI should be able to fetch the features & compile it into a single Dockerfile
#13 opened by last-ent - 0
- 0
#17 opened by last-ent - 1
Add base authentication scheme in OAuth
#30 opened by jmnarloch - 0
- 0
Consume new error/problem payload
#42 opened by pturczyk - 0
- 0
Add CI service
#24 opened by mikkeloscar - 1
- 0
Add catwatch.yaml
#21 opened by mikkeloscar