
Implement flag to pass lines of a file rather than a word file.

adamryman opened this issue · 3 comments

  use lines from FILE

Allows the user to pass specific lines of text they want to practice, rather than using the words in a random order.

I highly suggest that by default it plays the lines sequentially from top to bottom.

That way a user could save files as lessons, and they would be reproducible.

Example, I want to learn ? and ;. I use this file.

; ??? ; ??? ; ??? ; ??? ; ??? ; ??? ; ??? ; ???
??? ;;; ??? ;;; ??? ;;; ;?; ;?; ;?; ;?; ;?; ;?;
??; ??; ??; ;;? ;;? ;;? ?;? ?;? ?;? ?;? ?;? ?;??

Possibly another flag

-r bool
   randomize line output with -l

To get that effect.

I would be happy to put up a PR with this functionality if desired.

pb- commented

I like this idea a lot, especially the lessons. With this commit adding that kind of functionality should be easier now 🎉.

pb- commented

Added in a9d0faa.

Darn! I kept meaning to get to it. Now I gotta think of another sweet feature to add...

Thanks for implementing though!