
about canvas rotation and use scroller Dimensions wrong

gto999 opened this issue · 0 comments

When using the createjs framework, with the scroller to do scrolling, rotating the canvas angle, will cause the value of the maximum distance to set the scroll is wrong, there will be differences in the PC and the mobile terminal, there are differences in different mobile phones, Android IOS has a problem, specifically If CANVAS is scaled, how do you calculate the scrolling area?

// canvas.width = stageWidth; // canvas.height = stageHeight; // if (stageWidth < stageHeight) { // if(scrollDirection !== "top"){ // sceneV(); // }
    //     stageScale = stageWidth / 640;
    //     container.rotation = 90;
    //     container.x = 640 * stageScale;
    //     container.y = 0; //stageHeight / 2 - 1138 * stageScale / 2; //居中一下
    //     container.scaleX = stageScale;
    //     container.scaleY = stageScale;

    // } else {
    //     if(scrollDirection !== "left"){
    //         sceneH();
    //     }
    //     stageScale = stageHeight / 640;
    //     container.rotation = 0;
    //     container.x = 0;
    //     container.y = (stageHeight / 2 - (640 / 2) * stageScale) / 1; //居中一下//0;
    //     container.scaleX = stageScale;
    //     container.scaleY = stageScale;
    // }

  //scroller.setDimensions(app.view.width, app.view.height, app.view.height, contentLength);